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登録アプリ 62,044件 更新日時 2024/05/12 05:42
DingDing - Make It Happen
価格: 無料
App Store評価: 2.2
(評価数: 589)

カテゴリー:ショッピング/健康 (アプリケーション)
開発者:DingTalk Technology Co., Ltd.
動作条件:iPhone(iOS 12.0以降)、iPad(iPadOS 12.0以降)、iPod?touch(iOS 12.0以降)、Apple?Watch(watchOS 8.0以降)

■ 概要



[タスク管理]:すべてのタスク、会議、イベントを簡単に管理し、ローカルのカレンダーイベントも統一されたスケジュールビューに同期させます。 DingTalkですべてのタスクを追跡し、通知の既読/未読ステータス、会議の参加/不参加のステータスを一目で確認できます。



[Dingフィットネス] ヘルスケアのデータへのアクセスを許可して、グループ内のメンバーと毎日歩数の競争をすることができます。


■ マーケットレビュー
  • Hard to say I don't oppose studying during these days. But in fact, I think the app is being abused. Perhaps this app is developed to make our work more convenient, but actually many bosses or teachers use it to command employees or students even after work or on vacation.

    The developers of this app should consider it when the app was developing. But now we can only see more and more methods to check attendance.

    By the way, the privacy settings is poor. The phone number is shown in public.

    Also, my teacher bought an attendance machine from DingTalk before, which supports using dactylogram. At that time, my teacher asked for phone number. There was a message about my dactylogram and a group of my class was added automatically after my first login. It seems that that my personal information had been uploaded to DingTalk via that machine. I only received a message to welcome my use.

    Those are why I only give the app one star.
  • Just another way to control your employees I don’t actually know the initial of why you developing this app, if you try to make the communication easier between departments, this app is really a horrible idea that you try to accomplish.

    Don’t say this is a tool only messed by few users(boss),coz it is just BS when most of the boss try to exploit your off-duty time.

    TBH,I’m considering to make my phone back to Motorola period. a screen and few buttons will save my ass
  • アプリは悪く無いんです… アプリは使いやすいんです
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