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登録アプリ 61,925件 更新日時 2024/05/03 05:37
Google アプリ
価格: 無料
App Store評価: 3.3
(評価数: 94000)

カテゴリー:ショッピング/健康 (アプリケーション)
動作条件:iPhone(iOS 15.0以降)、iPad(iPadOS 15.0以降)、iPod?touch(iOS 15.0以降)

■ 概要
ワンタップでいつもの Google へ。検索をはじめ Discover で興味ある最新情報を受けとれます。Google レンズを使って、カメラから目の前のものを検索したり、手書きの文字をコピーできたり、翻訳や買い物をすることも。

Google アプリでできること。

Discover:あなたがグーグルで検索した検索ワードに基づいて、あなた好みの記事や動画をピックアップしてお届けします。また、お気に入りのスポーツチームのスコアをリアルタイムで確認することも。トップ画面の検索窓の下をスクロールするだけで、最新の情報が自動でアップデートされます(Google アカウントでのログインが必要です)

Google レンズ:カメラをかざすだけで、

Google Doodle:祝日や記念日、有名な画家や先駆者、科学者の生誕などを祝うため、斬新で楽しく、また時には自由な手法で Google のロゴマークをアレンジしたものです。逃さずチェックしましょう。

お客様のご意見を製品の改善に役立ててまいります。 ユーザーリサーチスタディにご協力いただける方は下記リンクをご覧ください。

■ マーケットレビュー
  • 通常時にシークレットモードになるバク Google検索やこのアプリについては常日頃お世話になっております。m(_ _)m


  • Immensely frustrating, very easy to fix bugs This app has great potential as a news feed, but it’s UX is utterly appalling, not behaving with any consistency.

    Some sites stay available in the tabs section, others mysteriously disappear. To complicate that, there’s no way to save articles, without putting them in a cluttered overall category Google’s determined, which includes EVERYthing, from maps to TV shows you want to watch. Nothing for just articles.

    The other frustrating thing about the app, connected with the first, is Google seemingly randomly refreshes its list of articles, so you feel like you’re on a countdown to get through the articles.

    A lot of very un-Google-like decisions went into this app, and the overall ratings show as much.
  • デベロッパの回答 Hi there. Thank you for reporting this issue. Can you please submit a feedback report and tell us a little bit more about what you're experiencing so we can investigate further? Open Google App > tap top right profile picture or initial > Help & feedback > Send feedback, this will help us ensure that this gets reviewed by the right team. Thank you!
  • Nice app but doesn’t make sense Okay, I have wrote an review a few minuets ago, and I have seen the reviews that it freezes ? But for me, no. It did not. But the only thing I’m struggling is that it doesn’t make sense at all. Honestly, it’s a very good app. But more instructions I would ask? So basically when I first opened the app, there was no like buttons that I can press if that makes sense? There was only like terms and privacy. Like anything else? No. Just that. I couldn’t go anywhere like I usually do on google like on my pc (computer). But I’ve never seen such a thing so own as really confused about it at first. But then I found the research box thing that you usually see when you want to search something? But honestly, I don’t want to open the app and see terms and privacy every single time I open the app. I did agree with terms and privacy but like, what now? That’s why I’m VERY confused about it. I would advice you guys (google) to put more instructions cause I wasn’t really sure what was going on. Hope this review helps for someone that’s struggling with the same thing too or want to learn more about google or want more information about google. Thanks
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