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登録アプリ 62,274件 更新日時 2024/06/01 11:31
Partia 2
価格: 900円
App Store評価: 3.0
(評価数: 1)

カテゴリー:ロールプレイング (ゲーム)
開発者:Imago Software
動作条件:iPhone(iOS 9.0以降)、iPad(iPadOS 9.0以降)、iPod?touch(iOS 9.0以降)、Mac(macOS?11.0以降とApple?M1以降のチップを搭載したMac)、Apple Vision(visionOS 1.0以降)

■ 概要
Partia 2 is a SRPG (Strategy Role-playing) video game inspired by Fire Emblem and Tear Ring Saga series. In a high fantasy setting, the game will take players through an adventure where magic and sword collide and friendship and betrayal intertwine.

Partia 2 : The Pretenders War is a sequel to Partia: The Broken Lineage. The game packs 22 stages that could present challenges to any SRPG fan.

Partia 2 introduces many new features, including the choice of "Common turn" rule where all factions make moves alternatively (like Chess) instead of taking turns to move all his/her units. I believe this will bring a new nuance to gameplay if a player choose to do so. It can be toggled in intermission, and you can always play the game in the traditional FE way. (Common turn idea is from Berwick Saga) AI had improved a lot, and horse units now can move after attacking, if they have remaining move distances.

Regrettably, the game could not deliver large animation battle. If you felt the game looked bad in Partia 1, then you'll find this game look much the same, except we have much bigger and nicer character portraits. It is because original Partia was never profitable, making Partia 2 production running on fume. (It sold around 6000 copies in two years) The stress of not getting paid almost broke our team of two, but somehow sheer will allowed this game to be out here for you. So whether this game series is success or not, I am immensely proud of the results. How many five year projects can a person do in a life time? ;-) Many times I was tempted to include some IAP stuff into the game and get cheap dollar or two, but I decided against it. More than anything, I rather have this game to be remembered as good, than have that IAP distaste.

So you may refrain from purchasing this game if you didn't like Partia 1. But I promise you it will be a much better experience (and much more challenging) if you did enjoy the original Partia.

Thank you all, and please let us know what you think!

■ マーケットレビュー
  • テンポの改善をお願いします 味方軍や敵軍が多いと、(しかも敵軍が待ち伏せタイプでなく、自軍や味方軍にむかってくるタイプだともっと)テンポが悪くプレイヤーのターンが来るまで数分かかってしまいます。特に stage3やstage10,11,12 … など


    2/27 追記: バグ報告

    stage19 クリア後、復帰してくるValについて
    兵種がLoadに変わっていますが、彼を出撃させコマンドを出すときに兵種変更前にあった「Mount」が残ったままです。そのコマンドをタップするとCavalier S(騎兵) に戻ってしまうどころか、HPとMGC以外のステータスがほとんど0になり、移動することもできなくなってしまいます。

  • 前作より少しパワーアップ 前作と変わらずファイアーエムブレム風なんですが、キャラのバストアップがついたり、音楽が派手になったりしてます。独自システムも増えてて騎馬は移動量で攻撃力が増えたりするのですが、そのあたりの良し悪しは人によるでしょう。英語のみです。
  • セーブができない。 セーブができません。改善を!
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