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登録アプリ 62,753件 更新日時 2024/07/03 05:44
Metal Force
価格: 無料
App Store評価: 5.0
(評価数: 3)

カテゴリー:アクション (ゲーム)
開発者:?国 ?
動作条件:iPhone(iOS 9.0以降)、iPad(iPadOS 9.0以降)、iPod?touch(iOS 9.0以降)、Apple Vision(visionOS 1.0以降)

■ 概要
■■■Game Introduction■■■
Metal Force is a classic horizontal scroll shooting game.
Story background: Our homeland is being badly damaged from the invaders of the future world. They plunder the resources, control the biological, the whole homeland is facing the danger of being destroyed. In this game, the player will shoulder heavy responsibilities of saving the homeland and expelling the invasion. The play will break into the enemy controlled territory and save lives.
Heavy Fire, Powerful BOSS, Super Arms, all kinds of challenges are waiting for our hero!

■■■Game Feature■■■
1. Fighting Type: Including sea battle, land battle, air battle, jungle battle, dungeon battle and so on.
2. Weapon Type: Including handgun, long gun, rocket launcher, grenade, knives and so on.
3. Operating Mode: Gravity Sensing, Virtual Joystick and A/B Key.
4. Difficulty Mode: Normal mode and Hard mode.
5. Multiple Roles: Every player can create up to five roles.
6. Animation Tutorial: It is easy for players to quickly start game.

■■■Contact Us■■■
Email: contact@mudotek.com

■ マーケットレビュー
  • 楽しい 玩的都挺好的'?什?'都?次了'我的存档都无?无故的没了?好不容易都通?'所有武器都最?'所有?都打五?星'我只想知道?什???????有得从玩了'
  • オモロイ 操作性が工夫されてますね

  • 面白い メタスラを思い出すゲームです。
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