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Go Books
価格: 無料
App Store評価: 4.8
(評価数: 4)

カテゴリー:アクション (ゲーム)
開発者:Smart Go, Inc.
動作条件:iPhone(iOS 8.0以降)、iPad(iPadOS 8.0以降)、iPod?touch(iOS 8.0以降)、Mac(macOS?11.0以降とApple?M1以降のチップを搭載したMac)、Apple Vision(visionOS 1.0以降)

■ 概要

- 読むチャプター順は任意。
- 盤上での対局とその棋譜再現。
- インタラクティブな詰碁問題。
- 色のついた文字から参考図にリンク。
- ブックの好きなところに書き込みができます。
- フォントとレイアウトの調整可。
- 複数言語書籍数点(日本語、スペイン語)。
- 一度購入すればiPad、iPhoneの両方で利用可。

SmartGo Books では、囲碁書籍をアプリ内で購入可能です。多数の書籍を用意しています。


マイケル レドモンド 九段

大模様を張るのは夢があって楽しい、と思う人には三連星がぴったりの布石だろう. 本書では実際にプロの実戦で使った三連星の必勝法を解説します。第一章では本書で提案する三連星の六つの基本パターンを解説します。 第二章は自戦解説20局です。丁寧な解説で読者に三連星の特徴と魅力を伝えるのが本書の狙いです。



- “Learn to Play Go” (vol. 1-5) by Janice Kim 3 dan & Jeong Soo-hyun 9 dan
- “Go: A Complete Introduction to the Game” by Cho Chikun 9 dan
- “So You Want to Play Go?” (levels 1-3) by Jonathan Hop

For more than 20 years, the Elementary Go Series books have been the standard texts for Go players who want to get a firm grasp of the fundamentals. Not only is the theory of Go explained clearly and simply, the reader is also given problems to show how these theoretical concepts are applied in actual games.
- “In the Beginning”
- “38 Basic Joseki”
- “Tesuji”
- “Life and Death”
- “Attack and Defense”
- “The Endgame”


- “How Not to Play Go” by Yuan Zhou (Spanish & English)
- “Double Digit Kyu Games” by Neil Moffatt
- “Single Digit Kyu Game Commentaries” (vol. 1 & 2) by Yuan Zhou
- “More Go by example” by Neil Moffatt
- “Basic Techniques of Go” by Haruyama 9 dan & Nagahara 6 dan
- “Fundamental Principles of Go” by Yilun Yang 7 dan
- “The Workshop Lectures” (vol. 1-5) by Yilun Yang 7 dan
- “Cho Hun-hyeon’s Lectures on Go Techniques” (vol. 1 & 2) by Cho Hun-hyeon 9 dan
- “Tesuji and Anti-Suji of Go” by Sakata Eio, Honorary Honinbo (out-of-print)
- “Making Good Shape” by van Zeijst and Bozulich
- “How to Destroy and Preserve” by Yilun Yang 7 dan (out-of-print)
- “Sabaki ? How to Manage Weak Stones” by Yilun Yang 7 dan (out-of-print)
- “Punishing and Correcting Joseki Mistakes” by Mingjiu Jiang 7 dan & Adam Miller (out-of-print)
- “Correct Joseki” by Mingjiu Jiang 7 dan & Guo Juan 5 dan
- “Vital Points and Skillful Finesse for Sabaki” by Yoda Norimoto 9 dan


- “Graded Go Problems for Beginners” (vol. 1 & 2) by Kano Yoshinori
- “501 Opening Problems” & “501 Tesuji Problems” by Richard Bozulich
- “Life and Death: Intermediate Level Problems” by Maeda Nobuaki 9 dan
- “Rescue and Capture” & “Tricks in Joseki” (Pocket Skills Series) by Yilun Yang 7 dan
- “Get Strong at Life and Death” & “Get Strong at the Endgame” by Richard Bozulich
- “Shuko: The Only Move” (vol. 1 & 2) by Fujisawa Shuko, Honorary Kisei

“Invincible: The Games of Shusaku” by John Power has been widely acclaimed as a masterpiece on one of the greatest Go players who ever lived. Enhanced with in-diagram replay, inline diagrams, and links to referenced games, be prepared to experience this classic in a whole new way.


- “Master Play: The Style of Lee Changho / Go Seigen” by Yuan Zhou
- “The Games of Fujisawa Shuko” by John Power
- “Modern Master Games: The Dawn of Tournament Go” by van Zeijst & Bozulich
- “The Go Consultants” by John Fairbairn & T Mark Hall
- “Patterns of the Sanrensei” by Michael Redmond 9 dan (Japanese & English)
- “Understanding Pro Games” by Yuan Zhou
- “Deep Thought: Extremely Thorough Commentaries on Pro Games” (vol. 1 & 2) by Yuan Zhou
- “Go Seigen’s Ten-Game Matches” by John Fairbairn
- “Killer of Go: Technique and Preventative Measures” by Sakata Eio, Honorary Honinbo (an out-of-print classic)
- “This is Go the Natural Way!” by Takemiya Masaki, Honinbo
- 3 books from the Heart of Go series by O Rissei, Naoki Hane & Keigo Yamashita

■ マーケットレビュー
  • 太田正孝博士を思い出す。 素晴らしい勉強家の太田正孝博士
  • Great, but could do with a few more functions. This app is a great way to keep all of your go books together in one place, and it also is ideal for acquiring new books especially if you live far from a place that sells go books.

    I would like to see the following functions implemented though...

    1. In book navigation; a simple scroll bar or jump-to-page/chapter function would be much better for navigation than having to swipe through all the pages every time.

    2. Being able to organize books in the app and in the store by set would help customers to keep complete sets of books together.

    3. This isn't a function, but some book sets are missing from the store; Elementary Go Series vols. 1 and 2 for example.
    It would be nice to be able to buy books in a set and not have gaps in the set.

    Otherwise this is a great app.
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