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登録アプリ 62,625件 更新日時 2024/06/26 05:47
Pirate Raid: Caribbean Battle
価格: 無料
App Store評価: 4.3
(評価数: 2,617)

カテゴリー:アクション (ゲーム)
開発者:SayGames LTD
動作条件:iPhone(iOS 12.0以降)、iPad(iPadOS 12.0以降)、iPod?touch(iOS 12.0以降)、Apple Vision(visionOS 1.0以降)

■ 概要

Ahoy me hearties! Ready to hoist the mainsail, batten down the hatches and blaze your way across the Caribbean in search of plunder, glory, and hours of pirate fun? Down your grog and grab your cutlass, it’s all hands on deck in this fast-paced pirate simulator that will really float your boat. Race full-sail across the high seas to do battle with simple merchantmen, naval battleships, and fearsome sea monsters, all while filling your coffers with booty to spend on expanding your tropical island hideaway and upgrading your mighty pirateship in preparation for ever fiercer battles and more dastardly buccaneering further into the game!


? A pirate’s work is never done! The action comes thick and fast in the turbulent waters of this fun fighting game, and prize ships laden with plunder can be spotted on the horizon at every moment. Engage them in battle, exchange broadsides, send them down to Davy Jones’s locker, and grab their lovely loot. But keep an eye on the enemy’s level and the number of warships you engage simultaneously, or it may be you who’s heading for a watery grave.

? Splice the mainbrace! Head back to harbor to trade your barrels of booty for coin at the local pirates’ market, then celebrate your victory and enhance your fearsome reputation by upgrading five different parameters of your pirateship or improving your lighthouse to open up new expanses of the high seas to your reign of piratical terror.

? Pieces of eight! What do pirates love even more than the taste of rum, the scent of the ocean, and a fair following wind? Why, sunken treasure, of course! Scour the Caribbean seas for wrecked ships and bring home even more loot to help you progress through the game.

? The kraken awakes! Maybe it’s the clement climate or the constant supply of drowning sailors, but the particular corner of the ocean where this game is set is suffering a peculiar infestation of gargantuan sea monsters that pose a threat to every boat on the water. Train your cannon on them and rid the oceans of this cursed blight ? profiting mightily in the process, of course!

? Not all hope is lost! You may be the most dastardly of pirates with an insatiable thirst for gold, but you get to show your better nature elsewhere in this battleships game ? in side missions where you rescue maidens in distress and other unfortunate victims of life’s vicissitudes. But fret ye not, the rewards for your good deeds are ample too!


Does the free, lawless, action-packed life of a pirate appeal? Want a reputation for terror and plunder that would put Blackbeard to shame? Raise your jolly roger, launch your ship and download Pirate Raid, the casual pirate simulator that’s fast, fun and full to the gunnels with nautical adventure and buccaneering derring-do!

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■ マーケットレビュー
  • 面白い 広告とか、コイン入手する時だけ見れば問題なく遊べるし面白い。クラーケンのレベル9は船レベル13くらいになってからじゃないと難しいかな。iPhoneXSではフリーズとかもないしWi-Fi繋いでたら広告とかも結構早めに終わる。モバイルで繋ぐとやはり他のレビュー通りおそいかな?ただ、ゲームのコンセプトとしては面白くどはまりしてました面白い
  • プレイできないレベルの広告 ゲーム性自体は敵を倒し、物資を奪って強化するという大航海時代の戦闘パートのみを切り取ったようなゲームで、とてもおもしろかったです。



  • レイド報酬が最終日より前に没収されました 異常なまでに敵が強すぎて、とても広告のような撃ち合いに耐えれない、ミッションはそんな敵を大量に落とさせる、誤タップしやすいし邪魔な位置に表示の課金推奨… 初めは面白かったので半ば意地で通常ステージ最後のミッションまで終えたのですが、ミッションないからデイリーミッション達成不可だし、「次のステージ」が邪魔で海上のイベント出来なくなるしで放置していました。 その後、レイドが搭載されたのですが、必要な海路が多く求められるため、ゲーム本編以上の時間を広告にかけていました。マンスリー報酬を交換日の最後に交換しようと思ってたら、交換材料がリセットされている始末… あまりに酷い仕打ちに流石に心折れました。
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