iPhone,iPad,iPod touch用アプリをランキング掲載! レビューを分析して日本で人気のあるiPhoneアプリを見つけられます。

登録アプリ 63,867件 更新日時 2024/09/21 10:09
価格: 無料
App Store評価: 4.5
(評価数: 4)

カテゴリー:カード/パズル (ゲーム)
開発者:Sindre Sorhus
動作条件:iPhone(iOS 17.4以降)、iPad(iPadOS 17.4以降)、Mac(macOS 14.5以降)、Apple Vision(visionOS 1.1以降)

■ 概要
Supercharge your shortcuts with lots of useful actions.

It provides additional actions for the Shortcuts app.

IMPORTANT: Because of an macOS bug, to make the actions show up in the Shortcuts app, you need to first launch the app and then restart your device.

重要提示:由于 macOS ??,要使操作?示在“快捷方式”?用程序中,?需要先????用程序,然后重新????。

WICHTIG: Aufgrund eines macOS-Fehlers m?ssen Sie, damit die Aktionen in der Shortcuts-App angezeigt werden, zuerst die App starten und dann Ihr Ger?t neu starten.

IMPORTANT : en raison d'un bug macOS, pour que les actions s'affichent dans l'application Raccourcis, vous devez d'abord lancer l'application, puis red?marrer votre appareil.

IMPORTANTE: Debido a un error de macOS, para que las acciones aparezcan en la aplicaci?n Atajos, primero debe iniciar la aplicaci?n y luego reiniciar su dispositivo.

The actions are not able to run on Apple Watch or HomePod.

Restart your device if the actions don't show up in the Shortcuts app.

■ Actions

- Add to List
- Apply Capture Date
- Ask for Text with Timeout
- Authenticate
- Blur Images
- Boolean
- Calculate with Soulver
- Choose from List (Extended)
- Clamp Number
- Color
- Combine Lists
- Combine Videos
- Convert Coordinates to Location
- Convert Date to Unix Time
- Convert Location to Geo URI
- Convert Unix Time to Date
- Create Color Image
- Create Menu Item
- Create URL
- Edit URL
- Encrypt File
- Encrypt Text
- Filter List
- Flash Screen
- Format Currency
- Format Date Difference
- Format Duration
- Format Number ? Compact
- Format Person Name
- Generate CSV
- Generate Random Data
- Generate Random Text
- Generate UUID
- Get Average Color
- Get Average Color of Image
- Get Battery State
- Get Bluetooth Device
- Get Bluetooth Devices
- Get Boolean from Input
- Get Default Printer
- Get Device Details (Extended)
- Get Device Orientation
- Get Dominant Colors of Image
- Get Emojis
- Get File Icon
- Get File Path
- Get High-Resolution Timestamp
- Get Image Location
- Get Index of List Item
- Get Map Image of Location
- Get Modifier Key State
- Get Paragraphs from Text
- Get Printers
- Get Query Item Value from URL
- Get Query Items from URL
- Get Query Items from URL as Dictionary
- Get Random Boolean
- Get Random Color
- Get Random Date and Time
- Get Random Emoticon
- Get Random Floating-Point Number
- Get Random Number from Seed
- Get Related Words
- Get Running Apps
- Get Sentences from Text
- Get SF Symbol Image
- Get Title of URL
- Get Uniform Type Identifier
- Get User Details
- Global Variable
- Hex Encode
- Hide Shortcuts App
- Invert Images
- Is Accessibility Feature On
- Is Bluetooth On
- Is Camera On
- Is Cellular Data On
- Is Cellular Low Data Mode On
- Is Conforming to Uniform Type Identifier
- Is Dark Mode On
- Is Day
- Is Device Locked
- Is Device Moving
- Is Device Orientation
- Is Host Reachable
- Is Low Power Mode On
- Is Microphone On
- Is Online
- Is Screen Locked
- Is Shaking Device
- Is Web Server Reachable
- Is Wi-Fi On
- Merge Dictionaries
- Named Clipboard
- Open URLs with App
- Overwrite File
- Parse CSV
- Parse JSON5
- Play Alert Sound
- Pretty Print Dictionaries
- Remove Duplicate Lines
- Remove Duplicates from List
- Remove Emojis
- Remove Empty Lines
- Remove from List
- Remove Non-Printable Characters
- Reverse Lines
- Reverse List
- Round Number to Multiple
- Sample Color from Screen
- Scan QR Codes in Image
- Set Creation and Modification Date of File
- Set Default Printer
- Set Image Location
- Set Uniform Type Identifier
- Shuffle List
- Sort List
- Spell Out Number
- Transcribe Audio
- Transform Lists
- Transform Text (camel case, slugify, transliteration, etc.)
- Transform Text with JavaScript
- Trim Whitespace
- Truncate List
- Truncate Number
- Truncate Text
- Wait Milliseconds
- Write or Edit Text

■ Support

Submit ideas and other requests through the feedback button in the main app.

■ マーケットレビュー
  • I like it However, since iOS version 17.?, the word mute that was displayed on Dynamic Island (maybe it's just my imagination) no longer appears.
    It might be a problem on the iOS side, but if you can fix it, it will be perfect.
  • デベロッパの回答 This is not related to the Actions app.

    There is a feedback button in the app which makes it easier to resolve issues.
  • i love it Who can believe that this app is FREE? Some Actions help me work efficiently.

    i will request new action.
    Could you please add “Get CurrentApp”?
  • デベロッパの回答 iOS does not allow Actions to get info about the current app.
  • Wi-Fi ショートカットにて、パスワードを入力する→Wi-Fiに接続する、という内容のショートカットを作る際に役に立ちました
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