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登録アプリ 62,787件 更新日時 2024/07/05 11:27
SmoothTrack: Head Tracker
価格: 1,500円
App Store評価: 4.0
(評価数: 26)

カテゴリー:その他のジャンル (ゲーム)
開発者:John Goering
動作条件:iPhone(iOS 15.0以降)、iPad(iPadOS 15.0以降)、iPod?touch(iOS 15.0以降)、Apple Vision(visionOS 1.0以降)

■ 概要
SmoothTrack uses the AR capabilities of your phone to provide the simplest and best head tracker for 6 degrees-of-freedom head movements in your sim games.


"The best new controller on the market will only set you back $9.99. It's a smartphone app called SmoothTrack." - Polygon

Customer reviews:

"SmoothTrack just works. Less than 5 minutes to install, setup and fly. Love not being tethered to my desk! 5 stars!!"
"This worked perfectly and way better than expected! Totally enhanced my experience with MFS 2020!"

It's a near magical experience to seamlessly slightly move your head and have your game perspective immediately play along (the movements in the game are exaggerated so that you only have to make slight movements of your head to control the camera).

- Simply lean forward to get a closer look at your Flight Simulator cockpit!
- Look a bit up to see the overhead panel of your A320!
- Simply shift your head a bit to the right to see the direction of the space station you're approaching in Elite: Dangerous!
- Look a bit left before a hard left turn in Euro Truck Simulator 2!

No headset or extra equipment of any kind is required! Simply set up your device so that it can see your face. Using the on-screen controls, you can shift your perspective in-game.

Your head movements are slightly exaggerated which enables you to look out of a cockpit side window with just a slight movement of your head to the left.

Any game that supports the FreeTrack or TrackIR protocol will work with this, including:

- Microsoft Flight Simulator
- Microsoft FSX
- DCS World
- Elite: Dangerous
- IL2: Sturmovik
- Euro Truck Simulator 2
- Kerbal Space Program
- ...and many, many others!

INSTRUCTIONS (included in the app):

1. On your computer, install and run the latest version of the free program "OpenTrack". It is available on GitHub at http://github.com/opentrack/opentrack/releases
2. In OpenTrack, as "Input source", choose "UDP over network". As Output, choose "Freetrack 2.0 Enhanced", as its sub-type "Both".
3. Make sure the UDP port OpenTrack is using is open both on your firewall and router.
4. Find the IP address of your PC by running 'ipconfig' in a Command Line - look for "IPv4 Address".
5. Now, in SmoothTrack, set up your IP address and port in the settings
6. Press "Start" in OpenTrack
7. Tap Play here in SmoothTrack and you should see the OpenTrack octopus move around, which means any game that supports TrackIR will now be supporting your head tracking! If the octopus is not moving, then check Troubleshooting for more detailed instructions.

Email support is provided if there are any issues (or if you have any ideas for new features!).

■ マーケットレビュー
  • 教えて!! iPhoneをios16.3にアップデートするとアプリがフリーズして使えなくなりました。以前までは問題なく使えてとてもよかったのですが...原因はなんでしょうか?アプリがダウンロードios16に対応してないのでしょうか?でしたらアップデートを是非ともお願いしたいです。
  • DCSなどにオススメの良アプリ DCS Worldが大好きなプレイヤーです 今まではDCSの視点移動はコントローラーに設定してプレイしていましたが リアルなフライトシミュレーターにはやはりコントローラーでの視点移動では辛い場面もありこのアプリを知って購入しました 大満足です! これを知る前はVRやTrack IR 5やTobiiアイトラッカーを検討してましたが VRは視界が全て覆われて回りが見えなくなるのが前から自分には合わないし 検討した商品は全て値段も安くはない ところがこのアプリはスマホとPCで1200円でTrack IR 5などと変わらない視点移動が出来ます! 視点移動や感度も細かく設定できます 左右、上下、斜めはもちろん自分が頭を前に出せば計器やスイッチに近づきアップ画面で操作も出来る価格の何十倍もお得なアプリです! VRやTrack IR 5みたいに頭に器具を装着しなくていいし、視界が覆われて回りが見えないとかもない!日本人は値段が高い物の方が良いとか言う人も多いがこれがあれば十分ですよ、さらに発売当初はPCがWi-Fi無線接続じゃないと使えなかったみたいですが 今はPCは有線でもスマホをUSBでPCに繋げば使えます(充電しながらになるので長時間プレイも大丈夫) まだPCのフライトシミュなどでフリー視点移動デビューしてない人など強くオススメの良アプリです。 追記:なんとこのアプリrFactorの初代やAutomobilista1のVR対応じゃない人気レースシミュレーターでも視点移動が出来ます! 初代rFactorなどでも視点移動出来ると感動しますよ。
  • Great app, easy to use? Have had only one issue since upgrading from an iPhone 6S+ to a 13 and that is the app won’t rotate 180 degrees/upside down. This wasn’t an issue on the 6s+ but it does cause some headaches on my new iPhone 13. Not sure if it is an app issue or the phone but other apps are able to rotate 180/upside down so…. One suggestion which I got directly from the developer, set all sensitivity settings to max in the app and do your fine-tuning in OpenTrack?
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