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登録アプリ 62,291件 更新日時 2024/06/02 11:27
WakeUp - The Wake on LAN tool
価格: 100円
App Store評価: 3.9
(評価数: 7)

カテゴリー:未分類 (その他)
開発者:Tommaso Madonia
動作条件:iPhone(iOS 9.0以降)、iPad(iPadOS 9.0以降)、iPod?touch(iOS 9.0以降)、Mac(macOS?11.0以降とApple?M1以降のチップを搭載したMac)、Apple Vision(visionOS 1.0以降)

■ 概要
WakeUp is a "Wake on LAN" tool that allows your iPhone/iPod/iPad to wake up a computer via a local network or internet.

--- Features: ---
? Wake / sleep* / shutdown* computer on the local network or via internet**
? Automatically finds computers on the local network (easy setup!)
? LAN broadcast/DNS/IP address support
? SecureOn support
? Add as many computers as you want
? Add group of computers for one-touch wake
? Wake your computers directly from springboard (not compatible with iOS 7 and iOS 8)
? iCloud sync
? Shake'n'wake all devices
? Check if your devices are turned on (only under wifi)
? 6 languages: English, Italian, German, Chinese, Spanish and French

(*) Linux is not supported. Sleep/Shutdown for Windows requires "WakeUp Server" installed on your pc. Download it at www.tommasomadonia.com/wakeup/server/
(**) Your router may not compatible with 'wake over internet'.

--- Typical Uses: ---
? Power on a computer remotely and then use VNC to view files
? Power on your computer to stream files

--- Wake on LAN requisites: ---
? The iPad/iPhone/iPod has to be connected to the same network of your computer
? The computer has to be connected to the router via ethernet cable
? The network cards must support 'Magic Packets' and the computer must be configured correctly

--- Wake over Internet requisites: ---
? Wake on LAN requisites
? The network must be reachable via internet
? The router and the firewall must be configured correctly for the forwarding of 'Magic Packets'
? The router must be capable of forwarding 'Magic Packets' to turned off computers

--- Sleep/Shutdown requisites: ---
Mac OSX.
? 'Remote Login' enabled. (System Preferences > Sharing)
? WakeUp Server (tommasomadonia.com/wakeup/server/)
? Java 7+
Linux: (require manual configuration)
? SSH server
? Manual configuration of sleep/shutdown SSH commands

Note: To remotely power on a computer when turned off often requires enabling "Wake on LAN" in BIOS. Mac OSX only support "Wake on LAN" and "Wake over internet" when sleeping.

■ マーケットレビュー
  • WakeUp This is very useful software.
  • アップデートされてなくて最新OSで動かない This app doesn't work on current version OS. 2014年以降アップデートされておらず、iOS 10.2/iPhone6 Plusでアプリが起動すらしない(起動中に落ちる)。アップデートする気ないならストアから取り下げてほしい。

    This application doesn't work on iOS 10.2 due to none update after 2014, already for three years. I wish developer to close to sell this application.
  • My best one apri ! One of the my best apri.
    And, this price is very useful.

    会社やコンビニの Wi-Fi でつないで使ってます。
    自宅のマシンからデーターを取り出して、終わったら Teamviewer で Shutdown してます。
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