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登録アプリ 62,291件 更新日時 2024/06/02 11:27
価格: 1,300円
App Store評価: 2.6
(評価数: 11)

カテゴリー:マルチメディア (アプリケーション)
開発者:POLYDIGM Software UG (haftungsbeschraenkt)
動作条件:iPhone(iOS 10.0以降)、iPad(iPadOS 10.0以降)、iPod?touch(iOS 10.0以降)、Apple Vision(visionOS 1.0以降)

■ 概要
Klimper is a mobile music studio with built-in music theory to spark your creativity and speed up your workflow.

Find Chords that Work

In the chord palette your can explore chords that are available in your selected scale. While a chord is played, related chords are highlighted so you can easily find chord sequences that progress smoothly. Once you found a nice chord sequence, you can drag and drop chords into your song to build your composition upon it.
If you want to start your song with a melody and find a suitable chord progression, you can do that just as well: select notes and tap the search icon to show chords that match your melody fragment. It's real fun to experiment, seeing how different harmonic contexts affect the perception of the same melodic fragment.

Create Beautiful Melodies and Flowing Chord Progressions

In the piano roll, notes that are in harmony as well as the chords' root notes are highlighted. This makes it super easy to create leads, arpeggios and basslines and to experiment with different chord voicings to let your chord progressions flowing nicely.

Intuitive Editing

A simple, yet feature rich and context-aware user interface helps you build up your ideas into whole songs:
Group sections into song parts and arrange them via drag and drop.
Duplicate, copy and paste, playback selected notes.

File Export

Export and share your creations with audio file export.
Edit your song in other Apps with MIDI-file export.

Use your Favorite Instrument Apps

It's just more fun to explore and create with those awesome Instrument Apps that are available in the App Store: Klimper supports Inter-App-Audio Instruments like Animoog and Model 15 as well as Audio Unit Instruments like Ripplemaker and Mersenne.

Video Tutorials

The included tutorial will help you getting started. Stay tuned for additional video tutorials published on our youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UClWxkJLttqC8lQ1m2mqAfFw

Included Instruments:
Synthesizer engine with a range of tweakable sounds,
Grand Piano, Acoustic Guitar, Acoustic Bass, Violin, Cello, Harp, Glockenspiel, 8-Bit Synth, Soft Synth Bass, Electric Drumset.

■ マーケットレビュー
  • 借用和音は… 個人的には気に入っています。
    I like this.
    This isn’t include the Borrowed Chords. But I think this is “Just a sketch “.
    Of course I think that we’ll need the Borrowed Chords and transpose to other key.
    But maybe it function will make a difficult operation....
    so I wonder the developer think about it please. Hahaha.

    We need the on chord.
    The drum kit need one tap mode. I hate trash box mark. It is easy “Just one tap on/off “

    I want to update system so now I rated 3stars.
  • 良いアプリだと思うのに IAAやAUv3にもサポートしていると書かれているので、それを信じてGaragebandを開いたところ、IAAにもAUv3にも、こちらのアプリのアイコンが出てきません。バグならば、アップデートで修正して頂ければ有り難いです。是非対応をよろしくお願い致します。
  • 使いにくすぎる。 PC版の前にアプリ版試してみようと思ったけどコレじゃあ期待できませんわ。scalerには到底敵わない。
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