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登録アプリ 63,854件 更新日時 2024/09/19 05:42
UltiMate GPS
価格: 無料
App Store評価: 2.3
(評価数: 3)

カテゴリー:アクション (ゲーム)
開発者:Emprum LLC
動作条件:iPhone(iOS 3.0以降)、iPad(iPadOS 3.0以降)、iPod?touch(iOS 3.0以降)、Mac(macOS?11.0以降とApple?M1以降のチップを搭載したMac)

■ 概要
*** The UltiMate GPS accessory is now available for sale from www.emprum.com and amazon.com ***
*** The UltiMate GPS App requires Emprum's UltiMate GPS accessory for full functionality ***

Emprum's UltiMate GPS App is the ultimate resource to control and interact with Emprum's UltiMate GPS accessory. It provides the following functionality:
* GPS View: displays GPS data from Emprum's UltiMate GPS accessory (lat, long, alt, speed, bearing, GPS fix mode, accuracy, dilution of precision, GPS time and date) or from the CoreLocation framework (lat, long, alt, speed and bearing only).
* Satellite View: displays GPS satellites in view and their signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) as reported by Emprum's UltiMate GPS accessory.
* Hardware View: displays settings of the UltiMate GPS accessory and utility buttons to interact with the UltiMate GPS accessory (AGPS data upload for faster lock times, hot/warm/cold restarts, factory reset, firmware updates).
* Preferences View: allows customization of the settings of Emprum's UltiMate GPS App and shows version information as well as Emprum's Business Philosophy (going green and a humanitarian cause).

*Assisted GPS (AGPS) data upload to the UltiMate GPS accessory is now available for GPS satellite orbit prediction and faster GPS lock times. An uploaded AGPS data set will store 2 weeks of satellite orbits into the UltiMate GPS accessory. AGPS related information is available from the Hardware tab.

* Includes UltiMate GPS firmware v1.0.8 which supports full NMEA support for third party App Store applications like e.g. Harry's LapTimer.

If you have any user requests, please let us know at support@emprum.com.

■ マーケットレビュー
  • 使え無くなりました IOS6.01にしてから(?)作動が変になっちゃいました。再計測に行かなくちゃ…(T . T)
  • 肝心のアクセサリーが未発売 ソフトウェアだけでは使えないのが残念。
  • 衛星をつかめない? かなり気になっているのですが使えません バージョンアップ待ちですかね、、、
 [ 一覧に戻る ]

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