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登録アプリ 64,175件 更新日時 2025/02/28 05:49
Citrix Workspace
価格: 無料
App Store評価: 3.9
(評価数: 623)

カテゴリー:未分類 (その他)
開発者:Citrix Systems, Inc.
動作条件:iPhone(iOS 11.0以降)、iPad(iPadOS 11.0以降)、iPod?touch(iOS 11.0以降)

■ 概要
Citrix Workspace app lets you access your SaaS, web apps, mobile, virtual apps, files, and desktops to help you be as productive on the go as you are in the office. If your company uses Citrix, you have the freedom to work on your favourite device from wherever you are. Just ask your IT department how to get started.

HOW TO USE CITRIX Workspace app
1. Open Citrix Workspace app and tap on Get Started.
2. Enter the Server or email address as instructed by Your IT Help Desk or system administrator.
3. Enter your User Name and Password.
4. Select the applications you want to use.
5. For adding multiple accounts, navigate to Settings and tap on Manage Accounts.
6. For Deleting/Editing Account already added navigate to Settings and tap on the Store.

HOW TO REPORT AN ISSUE TO CITRIX - Please contact your company's IT support team before following these steps:

Option 1
1. Open Citrix Workspace app and tap 'Settings' and then 'Support'.
2. Tap 'Request Help from Support'; This generates an email with log file.
3. Send the email to your company's IT support team.

Option 2
1. In the App Store, go to Citrix Workspace
2. Tap 'Reviews' and then tap 'App Support' found at the bottom right of the screen.
3. This launches the Citrix support forum where you can review reported issues OR
4. To report issues, tap the menu icon and create an account first.

■ マーケットレビュー
  • Citrix X1 Mouse now works Using iPadOS13.6.1 and Workspace 20.8.0
    Normal Bluetooth mouse now works.
    Thanks for improvement.
    But Mouse Wheel moves in reverse.
    And are you still ready for live conversion?
    I’m having trouble entering Japanese.
    Using iPadOS13.5 and Workspace 20.5.0
    Citrix X1 Mouse now works.
    Thanks for fixing the bugs.
    IPadOS13.4.1 and Workspace 20.4.5
    The mouse cursor is displayed, but I can not click.
  • デベロッパの回答 We’re working to improve the experience including adding the support for generic mouse/trackpad and expect to have this in our upcoming releases.” But currently, to have a full desktop-like mouse experience an X1 mouse is required. Regards,
  • iPadOS13.4〜??文字入力 Ctrix X1 Mouse の動作が不安定と書き込みましたが、iPad OSを14.0.1にアップデートしたところ解決しました。ありがとうございました。


    現在困っているのは、Citrix X1 Mouse の反応の不安定さです。マウスを動かしたとおりにカーソルが動くこともあれば反応しないこともあり、また少し遅れて追従してくることもあり、非常に使いにくくなっています。iPad側でこのマウスを使っている分にはおかしな動きはないので、Citrix のアプリ側の問題ではないかと思います。



    それと、citrix X1 mouseも使っていますが、加減速にクセがありすぎです。もう少し自然な動きにしてください。最近iPad側でもカーソルが出るようになりましたが(以前は表示しない設定にしてましたが勝手に出っ放しになりました)そちらは自然な動きなので、このアプリ側の問題と思います。よろしくお願いします。
  • いくつか不満 ・Receiverみたいにノータッチで自動ログインできない
    ・Apple Pencilでスケッチをしたい時にうまく認識しない、強制undoされる
    ・split viewの時にcitrix toolbarのエリアがタッチに反応しなくなる

  • デベロッパの回答 Thanks for reaching out. It would be great if you share a detailed explanation of the concern along with the logs with us at ios_feedback@citrix.com to investigate. Regards,
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