iPhone,iPad,iPod touch用アプリをランキング掲載! レビューを分析して日本で人気のあるiPhoneアプリを見つけられます。

登録アプリ 63,889件 更新日時 2024/09/29 05:41
価格: 100円
App Store評価: 4.7
(評価数: 166)

カテゴリー:カード/パズル (ゲーム)
開発者:Matt Rix
動作条件:iPhone(iOS 3.0以降)、iPad(iPadOS 3.0以降)、iPod?touch(iOS 3.0以降)、Mac(macOS?11.0以降とApple?M1以降のチップを搭載したMac)

■ 概要
New iOS 11 update coming soon! :)

Trainyard has the best user review scores on the entire App Store!

+ Innovative and challenging puzzle mechanic
+ Smooth difficulty curve
+ 100 main puzzles and over 50 bonus puzzles
+ Hundreds of ways to solve each puzzle
+ Puzzle editor: create your own puzzles
+ Retina display support
+ Easily share your unique solutions on Trainyard.ca
+ Looks GREAT on the iPad
+ Engineered for low battery usage
+ Colour-blind mode
+ Game Center support
+ A year in the making
+ Developed in my spare time (support indie games!)

[NOTE: there is a bug in iOS 8 where the game will freeze after a puzzle. To fix it, press Credits -> Rate It. You do not need to actually rate the game, just pressing that button will fix it. Sorry! ]

Stuck on a puzzle? Visit http://trainyard.ca/solutions where there are over *1.5 million* player-submitted solutions.

Trainyard is a puzzle solving game unlike any that you've ever played. It's easy to learn but very tough to master. Your job is simple: get each train to a goal station. Red trains go to red stations, blue trains go to blue stations, etc. You control the trains by drawing track for them to follow. There isn't a time limit or even a score; the only thing you need to do is figure out a solution for each puzzle.

The first few puzzles are almost too easy, but as the difficulty increases you'll be thankful that you were able to practice the fundamentals of drawing track. As the game progresses, you'll have to use colour theory to combine trains of different colours, use timing to merge and split trains, and use every inch of your brain in your quest to beat the game.

Find out more at http://www.trainyard.ca

Developed by Matt Rix (matt@trainyard.ca)

Proudly made in Canada.

Think you beat the whole game? Try to solve all the bonus puzzles! Done that? Try to match the track counts on http://trainyard.ca/solutions

Trainyard makes use of these excellent libraries:

+ Cocos2D-iPhone by Ricardo Quesada
+ XAuthTwitterEngine by Aral Balkan
+ Twitter+OAuth code by Ben Gottlieb
+ MGTwitterEngine by Matt Gemmell
+ ASIHTTPRequest by All-Seeing Interactive
+ SFHFKeychainUtils by Buzz Andersen
+ TouchXML by Jonathan Wight
+ FMDB by Flying Meat Inc.

■ マーケットレビュー
  • 難易度の幅がGOOD 初心者から上級者まで満足の難易度。ルールも分かりやすくチュートリアルも親切なのでとっつきやすくていいですね。日本語は対応してないみたいですが、文章の意味がが分からなくても何が起こってるかはすぐ分かると思うので心配無用です。
  • ハマります 最近のアップデートにより、自分で問題を作ったり、他の人が作った問題を解いたりできるようになりました。
  • 頭の体操に 時間に縛られず試行錯誤しながら自分のペースで解けるのでパズルが好きな方なら楽しめると思います。
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