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登録アプリ 63,873件 更新日時 2024/09/24 10:09
Another Tomorrow
価格: 600円
App Store評価: 3.0
(評価数: 0)

カテゴリー:カード/パズル (ゲーム)
開発者:Glitch Games
動作条件:iPhone(iOS 11.0以降)、iPad(iPadOS 11.0以降)、iPod?touch(iOS 11.0以降)、Mac(macOS 10.13以降)、Apple Vision(visionOS 1.0以降)

■ 概要
“Reminiscent of the first person point and click classics.”
Sean Davies - Finger Guns

“as puzzles, this is an absolutely exquisite collection, with challenges that had me frequently taking a breath at how clever they were.”
John Walker - Buried Treasure

Another Tomorrow is a puzzle adventure that blends intricately rendered dioramas with first person exploration and puzzle solving.

Trapped without your memories but equipped with a camera you’ll explore abandoned apartments, airfields, temples, and underground facilities to search for clues, solve puzzles, and unlock secrets to answer the question; who are you?


Your head’s pounding, your body cold. The air is ripe with something all too familiar. Blood.

The odour is unmistakable. But there’s something else. Something sweet but medicinal, an intoxifying cocktail of brown sugar, ethanol, and disinfectant.

It hurts to open your eyes, the lights are bright but it’s not that.

Moving hurts, like you haven’t moved in a long time.

Questions racing through your mind; where are you, how long have you been here, what the fork is that taste?

? A first person point and click adventure game.
? Trademark Glitch humour and puzzles that will leave you screaming at us.
? Absolutely no adverts or in app purchases.
? The Glitch Camera to help you solve puzzles and keep track of clues.
? Lots of clues to find and puzzles to solve.
? A beautiful soundtrack and immersive sound effects.
? A full Hint System to help you if you get stuck.
? 8 save slots, share the game with your family!
? Auto-saves your progress!


Glitch Games is a tiny independent ‘studio’ from the UK.
Find out more at glitch.games
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Follow us @GlitchGames
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■ マーケットレビュー
  • うーん。 モーテルと飛行機格納庫だけ面白かった。けどそこ以外全部微妙かな。というかロケーションを行き来する必要があるギミックが一箇所しかなかったのは拍子抜け。ストーリーは、ああ、また今回も有って無いようなものか、と序盤から感じたのでほとんど意識せずに、キャプションも疲れるだけなのでほとんど読まずにプレイしましたが我ながら正解でした。突然古代遺跡が出て来たり、オチもああだし。互いに関連性のない、いくつかの脱出ゲーム抱き合わせパック。それはわかっていたけれど。ストーリーものの大作アドベンチャーであるかのように錯覚させるこのやり方で強気な価格設定っていうベリタスからの方式、どうなんだろ。子午線シリーズに本家超えされちゃったね完全に。
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