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登録アプリ 62,787件 更新日時 2024/07/05 11:27
Edmodo: Your Online Classroom
価格: 無料
App Store評価: 3.7
(評価数: 771)

カテゴリー:未分類 (その他)
開発者:Edmodo, Inc.
動作条件:iPhone(iOS 11.0以降)、iPad(iPadOS 11.0以降)、iPod?touch(iOS 11.0以降)、Mac(macOS?11.0以降とApple?M1以降のチップを搭載したMac)

■ 概要
Edmodo gives teachers the tools to share engaging lessons, keep parents updated, and build a vibrant classroom community.

The all-new Edmodo app has been redesigned from the ground up to focus on how YOU communicate with your students, parents, and fellow teachers.


A home stream for following and discovering resources from teachers across the globe.

All your classes and assignments organized in one place.

Send messages directly to students and parents.

Discover content that empowers your students and encourages mindfulness.


With Edmodo, you can reach every student in your class. Students can login and participate from any phone, tablet, or computer. Facilitate discussions with your entire class or check in individually with direct messages. Help your students stay organized with an automatically-updated planner.


Share and discover new lessons and resources from across your school, district, or a global community. Edmodo makes it easy for you to explore professional content and teacher trends. And the improved home stream means you can find dozens of educational resources for your classroom all at once.

EdTech Digest Award Winner ? Best Product

“Students love the app and...they always keep updated with new posts and notes.” ?Alessandra Pallavicini, EFL teacher, Italy

“Edmodo continues to be my ‘go to’ place for learning, sharing and collaborating with educators.” ?Sandy McConnell, Teacher, United States

“All my students are on Edmodo and now I cannot think of any other way I could teach, there are so many advantages compared to my previous teaching style! I use the platform to communicate with students, share resources, assign tasks and then annotate them and send them back to students.” ?Lucia Bartolotti, EFL Teacher, Italy

“As a classroom teacher, I find that education can sometimes be isolating even though I work with approximately 75 other teachers. I am so happy that I am able to collaborate with other teachers who are also using Edmodo, as this really helps me feel connected.” ?Shelby Place, Teacher, China

“The ability to connect with international educators and share that experience with my students is a major perk.” ?Lacey, Teacher, United States

“I've used different products but I stick with Edmodo because it is easy to use, appealing to my students, and most of all, it's packed with features!” ?Anna Lyn Lumibao, Teacher

For more information, visit www.edmodo.com.

■ マーケットレビュー
  • Yo So I was about to submit an assignment and I forgot to press the “submit ” button. So my teacher counted it as late and I got half credit. Can y’all add like a “submit assignment before you leave?” Feature?
  • 宿題強制終了かれこれ5、6回 start quiz 押したらなぜか知りませんがすぐにtimes upと表示され、強制終了させられます。僕はこれで5回ぐらい宿題のグレードが0点になりました。そのたびにALTの先生に長文の謝罪を述べやり直しをさせて頂くのですがまたその度に同じような出来事がおこりまた謝罪をしと何回もこれを繰り返していてそろそろ限界です。この現象は分からない人も多いかもしれません。ちなみに私はiphone8を使用しておりアプリも最新のバージョン、OSも最新のものにアップグレード済みです。友達はiphone11を使用しておりますが、出来ているそうです。
  • メッセージがバグってます。 先生に質問するため、メッセージ機能で50文字程ぐらい送信するのですが、なぜか送ったあとみると半分 文が消えています。送れてなかったのかと思い、消えた部分を送ると、なぜか消えたはずの文字が復活していて、同じ文を2回送ることになってしまいました。何日も続いています。あとから見るとしつこい人みたいで先生に失礼だなと思いました。バグを解消してください。あと提出したはずの課題なのに、未提出の文字が消えていませんでした。これらのバグを直してください。そしたらedomodoは使えるものだと思います!
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