iPhone,iPad,iPod touch用アプリをランキング掲載! レビューを分析して日本で人気のあるiPhoneアプリを見つけられます。

登録アプリ 62,291件 更新日時 2024/06/02 11:27
価格: 無料
App Store評価: 4.8
(評価数: 51000)

カテゴリー:ショッピング/健康 (アプリケーション)
動作条件:iPhone(iOS 12.0以降)、iPod?touch(iOS 12.0以降)、Apple Vision(visionOS 1.0以降)

■ 概要



- SOS緊急支援ボタン
- 常時稼働の運航監視システム。ドライバーが予定外の場所で停車したり、ルートをそれた場合にはアラートを出します。
- 配車の情報や現在地を友人と共有可能
- 通話もしくはライブチャットでGrabサポートにアクセス



















Grabは、利用者の皆様が端末上での行動に基づき、Grabやそのパートナーからパーソナライズされたターゲティング広告、オファーおよび最新情報を受け取ったり、特定のサードパーティーアプリからコミュニケーションや広告を受け取ったりできるようにしています。アプリの「Setting」内の「Privacy and Consent Management」セクションでオプトアウトの選択が可能です。詳細については、弊社プライバシーポリシー(www.grab.com/privacy)をご覧ください。


■ マーケットレビュー
  • GPSがズレる!画面閉じても呼び出しキャンセルされない注意 ハノイで7回使ってその感想です。旧市街では道が細かく何故かGPSの位置情報がずれて呼んだgrabタクシーが到着していると連絡してくるけど、そのあたりにいない。なので今いる場所の店の外観写真をチャットに貼り付けて、we are hereと書いたら来てくれた。道が一本ずれていたようです。 この写真でわかったよーとドライバーのスマホを見せられ言われた。 それとは別の時では、夕方は忙しい時間帯だからかドライバーが応じてくれない。 もっと呼びやすいところに移動しようと連れが言うので画面を閉じて数100m動いてしまったら、アプリはまだ動いていて元いたところにgrabタクシーが一台来てしまった!電話で到着を告げられ、謝って移動した先に来て欲しいとお願いしたけれど、キャンセルされてしまいました。このアプリを使い慣れていないこちらのミスです。ドライバーさん申し訳ない。 アプリそのものは使いやすい、乗る場所行き先指定して金額表示するから安心して使える。チャットで後何分でお迎えすると言ってくるドライバーさんもいた。チップや評価も後づけできて良い。更に余計なことだけど、わがままな連れが居る場合、カフェに入って飲み物飲ませてからgrabを使うことをおすすめします。
  • Ain't no way I can give 4 or 5 stars to this app This app used to be better than other apps when I first started using. But no, this isn't an app with satisfying services anymore.

    This app shows me an option of "JustGrab" when I use GrabTaxi, which is the type of the cars that comes around in 4-8 mins, they say, which actually arrives in more than 10 minutes ! I understand that the cars don't always arrive quick, I know this country is full of traffic jams, but then JUST DON'T TELL ME THEY COME IN 4-8 MINS. That's almost like a fraud isn't it?
    And sometimes the GPS isn't working. It was already near my house when I thought it was stuck in the traffic jam, because of this useless GPS. It doesn't show the right information, sometimes, which is so annoying. I have to hurry for something that I actually didn't have to.

    But you know what? I had no choice but to use this app because I need transport every week, I need delivery food when I need... but other apps are almost the same too.
    This country doesn't have enough brain for those services huh? This is the best you can give us right? Terrible.
  • I hope Grab bans drivers from working with them I wish I could give a more positive review. But unfortunately a grab driver tried to scam me out of more money after being paid via credit card with the app after we got to our destination.

    To top it off, the driver was very inappropriate from the start. I know people are thinking “why didn’t you simply try for another driver then?”

    Allow me to explain. My friend who was with me uses a wheelchair. When this driver saw it, he started complaining and making a huge fuss about. A friend’s aunt and uncle saw we were having a difficult situation, and tried to help us.

    The wheelchair didn’t fit in the trunk of his car due to the driver having a very large tank in the back, even with the chair folded the smallest it could go. My friend’s uncle tried to see if there would be a way to fit it and the driver kept complaining the whole time. Then they tried to see if it would fit in the back seat.

    I honestly had told the aunt and uncle I didn’t want to deal with the driver because his actions were making me very uncomfortable and I couldn’t trust he wouldn’t try to scam us or make up some fabricated lie.

    They were understanding of my point of view on this. But also felt we should get back to our hotel to rest as the event we’d attended had been long and knew we were tired.

    So out of the kindness of their heart they paid the driver some money to try to calm him down so we could hopefully have a more comfortable ride back to our hotel.

    They did managed to get my friend’s wheelchair into the back seat and I sat in the front next to the driver.

    My friend’s aunt and uncle gave me their number to call them in case of any issues and we were on the way.

    The driver got us to our hotel and the bellboy helped us to get the chair out of the car. But then the driver said we had to pay despite the fact he’d been paid via credit card in the app.

    I called the Aunt and Uncle and explained the situation as I couldn’t get in contact with the coordinator who’d set up the ride. And we agreed I’d pay the fair and just try to contact the coordinator in the morning as it was very late.

    After I paid him, he said “You said you’d pay me more.” Which was what the Aunt and Uncle had said and had handed him the extra 100 baht before we had even set off on the drive.

    So that driver was trying to scam even more money out of us despite being paid twice for the ride and getting an extra 100 baht. We walked away without giving him more money. Which the Aunt said was the right thing to do. And the driver was even lying to the bellboy about the situation.

    I managed to get in touch with the coordinator the next day. And told her to please get a refund for that ride and to keep the money. And to please report that driver as he clearly does what he can to try to swindle customers out of more money.

    I hope Grab will take this situation seriously and ban him from being able to work with them as bad drivers like that can be a reflection of the company.

    I don’t blame Grab for the driver’s attempt to scam us. But would be disappointed if they allowed drivers like that to continue to work for them.

    I didn’t have this issue at all with drivers from Bolt, all of whom, who remained professional and assisted us with my friend’s wheelchair. And even took extra care to ensure no damage was done to the chair.
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