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TorpedoRun Naval War
価格: 無料
App Store評価: 3.3
(評価数: 7)

カテゴリー:その他のジャンル (ゲーム)
開発者:QED Gaming PTY. Ltd
動作条件:iPhone(iOS 11.0以降)、iPad(iPadOS 11.0以降)、iPod?touch(iOS 11.0以降)、Mac(macOS?11.0以降とApple?M1以降のチップを搭載したMac)

■ 概要
Take control of a surfaced submarine and use your Tigerfish torpedoes to sink the enemy ships.
Watch out for incoming depth charges and use your canon to destroy them before they hit your sub.
Enemy ships can fire either single shots or devastating barrages, watch out for the destroyer as it can fire staccato Barrages.
With the in-app purchase of mines every ten seconds you can launch a mine, up to 3 mines can be in theatre in one go. Be Careful not to destroy your own mines with torpedos!
Don't let too many ships escape otherwise its game over!
The game starts off with just one enemy ship but soon builds into an all our fight for survival.
Try not to let the depth charges get to close otherwise the explosions can temporarily blind you.
Use your two torpedos carefully, hit fast moving ships first to slow them down, then finish them
off at your leisure.

Features of TorpedoRun:-
* Three Games in one, Classic, Mayhem and Retro
* Realtime 3d graphics
* 4 types of enemy ships, Super Destroyer, Destroyer, Frigate and PT boat
* Particle effects
* Mines!! Deploy mines to sink those pesky ships.(in-app purchase)
* Health Drops, call for a health drop, make sure you shoot the crate for your health recharge. (in-app purchase)
* Local High-score table or Game Centre support
* Rank system, rise to the rank of Grand Admiral of the fleet.
* Mayhem mode available by in-app purchase
* iCade compatible
* iControlPad (ICP) compatible
* Works in all orientations on all IOS devices

■ マーケットレビュー
  • 広告が邪魔 駆逐艦を魚雷で狙う水雷艇、単純で暇つぶしに楽しいです。爆雷を撃ち落とす機銃掃射はいい感じです。
  • Never again I will never get another app from this company again.Changing the rules of the game after buying it and making it impossible to get a high score?Never again.Good luck to the next sucker!
  • これは あまりに酷いクソゲーです

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