iPhone,iPad,iPod touch用アプリをランキング掲載! レビューを分析して日本で人気のあるiPhoneアプリを見つけられます。

登録アプリ 62,753件 更新日時 2024/07/03 05:44
価格: 無料
App Store評価: 4.7
(評価数: 101)

カテゴリー:ショッピング/健康 (アプリケーション)
開発者:Stronger By Science Technologies LLC
動作条件:iPhone(iOS 15.0以降)、iPad(iPadOS 15.0以降)、iPod?touch(iOS 15.0以降)、Mac(macOS?12.0以降とApple?M1以降のチップを搭載したMac)、Apple Vision(visionOS 1.0以降)

■ 概要






? 個人の代謝の変化に合わせてカロリー消費量を算出
? 目標に合わせてカロリーと三大栄養素の摂取量を算出
? 定期的な経過チェックで目標達成までプログラムを自動調整


? バーコードスキャンや自分専用の食品追加などの便利機能を備えた、業界最速の食品管理機能
? 食品データベースからの高精度な食品追加
? 個人の目標や好みに基づいたPFCプログラムの設定
? 三大栄養素や各栄養素などの詳細な内訳
? 月経データの記録、継続日数の記録、自分を知るためのデータを見える化、連携、ダークモードなど、便利な機能が満載








? 増量・減量・維持の目標設定
? 科学的根拠に基づくPFCプログラム
? 個人の目標や好みを反映したペース設定
? 体重変化・カロリー消費量・三大栄養素設定を読み解く独自のアルゴリズム

? 正確なカロリーと各栄養素の情報が得られる食品データベース
? バーコードスキャン
? 三大栄養素・ビタミン・ミネラルにまで対応した食事記録
? 自分専用食品の追加、検索履歴の保存、コピー&ペーストなどの機能ですばやく簡単な食事記録
? 自分専用の食品とレシピを追加可能
? 24時間タイムライン形式の食事記録で、1日3食などの型に縛られない
? 重さの単位(ポンド・キログラム)と身長の単位(フィート&インチ・センチ)の切り替え

? 高精度なエネルギー消費量の推測
? 体重の波に惑わされないための傾向データ
? 継続日数の記録
? 月経データの記録


本アプリは、オープンデータベースライセンス (ODbL)のもとで利用可能なOpen Food Factsの情報を含みます。






■ マーケットレビュー
  • Spot on - Japanese version makes logging a dream I’ve been using this apps for over a year now and love it, I have been cooking most things myself so the logging is easy. The recently added localization of Japan means barcodes from the convenience store scan straight in, whilst approximations of food I may eat out feel appropriate and have many more selectable options.

    Outside of that, I love the weight trends and the insights that gives me, and, the auto macro adjustments have kept my progress on track.

    Well done team, 5 star app, backed by 5 stars knowledge.
  • Great concept - needs execution I love the concept of this app, but a lot of basics are broken or missing still so I have to give it a low rating. I hope the team delivers on these soon so I can come back here and give more stars :)

    1. Useless Food Database
    I live in Japan, and I haven’t come across a single branded food which was in the MacroFactors database, so I have had to manually enter EVERYTHING by hand. Maybe 10 years ago American apps could get away with saying covering overseas is too tall of an order, but this is 2022 and other players like MyFitnessPal already have Japan covered, so this needs to be fixed asap

    2. Doesn’t interact with Apple Health (except reading weight)
    I know this is in the roadmap and it made sense to start with reading weight (otherwise the app would be pretty absolutely useless) but it’s been a while now and I have manually entered a lot of nutrition info into MacroFactors (see pint #1) which I can’t access in any of my other apps which is quite frustrating.

    3. Hard to analyze history
    If I tap on my past macros I expect to see a screen which lets me analyze my history but instead it shows me my plan which is not what I want to see.

    4. Coaching doesn’t adjust based on intake
    Some days I eat more than I wanted to and some days less. I wish the coach would adjust the next day’s goal so that by the end of the week it balances out (or at least give me this option), but as far as I can tell it doesn’t seem to do this. It’s a shame because what’s more important than the daily habits is how they add up over the long term

    5. Manual entry is buggy
    5.a if I select a food at the wrong timing, it will add two of them to my late
    5.b. Searching for foods is REALLY slow
    5.c Sometimes the app gets super slow (nearly unresponsive) when scrolling up and down when entering macros and micros when adding a new food

    6. Units for nutrients are arbitrary
    Vitamin A is in IUs even though everything else is in mg. Would be nice to be able to choose a unit.

    7. Order of nutrients is arbitrary
    When entering nutrients, the B vitamins are at the top but the A, C and D vitamins are at the bottom which doesn’t make sense. Also, would rather have fibers and sugars be together since they are subtypes of carbs, but they are listed alphabetically. This means vitamins and carbs are extra annoying to enter when the app scrolls slowly, because they are spread apart (see #5c and #1)

    8. Would like a salt to sodium auto-conversion
    In Japan, salt content is often listen but not sodium. Would be nice for the app to take salt as an input and auto-fill the sodium field based on that.

    I’m still really excited for this app and have paid for the full year so looking forward to great updates coming from the team :)
  • デベロッパの回答 Sorry to hear that you didn't have a great experience back in early 2022. We're actually launching a localized version of the app in Japan soon, and we were hoping you'd be willing to join the beta program to test it out.

    If you're interested, please reach out at support@macrofactorapp.com

    The new Japanese version will address several of the concerns listed here ? notably, a massively expanded database of Japanese foods.

    Updates over the past two years have also addressed quite a few of the other concerns mentioned here: way easier to analyze past days of eating, lots of improvements for with the food logger, and massive expansions of micronutrient-related features (including salt/sodium conversions, and being able to view different units for several vitamins).

    I THINK the only thing mentioned here that the app doesn't do is automatically adjust calorie targets if you were over or under your targets one day. This article from the knowledge base explains why we made that decision, and also describes what to do if you'd like to easily make those adjustments in-app (it's something you need to do manually, but it only takes about 10 seconds per day): https://help.macrofactorapp.com/en/articles/108-how-to-adjust-calorie-targets-to-account-for-overages-or-to-roll-over-unused-calories
  • 体組成改善の機能はトップ。 食生活の数値化を習慣化できるのが大きいです。





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