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登録アプリ 62,291件 更新日時 2024/06/02 11:27
価格: 無料
App Store評価: 4.6
(評価数: 1,018)

カテゴリー:教育/学習 (アプリケーション)
開発者:Focusrite Audio Engineering
動作条件:iPhone(iOS 15.0以降)、iPad(iPadOS 15.0以降)、iPod?touch(iOS 15.0以降)、Apple Vision(visionOS 1.0以降)

■ 概要
Horizon is the new ambient polyphonic synth for Groovebox. With lush pads, dreamy melodies and analogue organs, Horizon is the soundtrack to your dreams.


? 初心者に使いやすく、上級者も納得の機能
Grooveboxは、初心者にも配慮して設計されていますが、音楽アーティストやプロデューサー向けの本格的な機能も搭載しています。例えば、高度なシンセパラメーター*を使って自分だけのサウンドを生み出すことが可能。iPadミキサー、ノートシーケンサー、キー&スケールモードなどでサウンドを制御できます。また、エクスポートが簡単なので、自分のサウンドをノートブックに移して、作曲の続きを行うことも可能です。Ableton Linkを使えば、他のアプリやノートブックと同期します。さらに、AudiobusやInter-App Audioを使って接続することはもちろん、Ableton Liveにシームレスにエクスポートすることもできます。


?Audiobus、Inter-App Audio、Ableton Link、Ableton Exportとの連携が可能。
?Ableton Exportで、自分のプロジェクトを簡単にAbleton Liveに移すことが可能。
?iPad Proに対応しているので、iPad Proの大きな画面をすべて有効活用することが可能。
?アイデアがひらめいたら、バッチ処理でZIPファイルに圧縮、またはAbleton Exportを使って、ノートブックに転送。

■ マーケットレビュー
  • 課金するとめちゃくちゃ強くなる。 サウンドパックなどのプリセットに課金することもできるのですがパラメーターが限られているので各パラメーターをエディット出来るようになるモジュールに課金するのがベターです。
    iPadで使えばより使いやすくなるので、私はLaunchkey mini mk3と併せてステージで使っています。
    Ableton Liveとの親和性も高く、この機能でこの価格なら安いと思います。

    そこがもっと気軽にエクスポートできるようになればKorg gadgetなどにも引けをとらないアプリになるのではないかなと思いました。


  • Generally, I'm satisfied It was easy for me to use as a beginner because the features aren't complicated.

    Some of the additional instruments are similar to existing instruments and I am reluctant to purchase them.However, if I find an instrument I like from listening, I will buy it.

    If I had a request, I'd like to have the ability to connect bars that I've made and make them into one song.

    It's a translation, so it may be strange English.
  • Sequencer’s grid interface needs some serious work Edit: after getting a reply from the developer, I updated the rating to 5/5

    This is probably my most favorite music app on iOS in terms of sound and design, but working with sequencer is _very_ frustrating. I am writing this review in hopes that these features would be fixed in future releases.

    Right now I think the sequencer really needs:

    * Chromatic mode. You can choose a chromatic keyboard, but you cannot choose a chromatic scale representation in the sequencer grid interface. So basically if you select a wrong key, any note outside this key that you recorded will be shown as a thin line on the grid, which you cannot move or edit. I feel like this is unnecessarily frustrating, and could be easily fixed by adding a chromatic mode to the list of keys.

    * A better way to stretch notes. Right now this is very frustrating, I am trying to stretch a note on the grid by putting my finger and swiping on the screen without lifting my finger (as it is supposed to work), but instead it either moves the whole note, or deletes the note. I would say the note stretching gesture works only 3/10 times, even with Apple Pencil, which is _super_ annoying. Is there a way to add a “move/stretch” toggle button so that it wouldn’t confuse the gestures?

    * Group select, or at least a “select all” button. I cannot seem to find a “select all” button, thus having to delete every note manually. Again, if you have a lot of notes, this is very annoying.

    * A button or a toggle to turn on/off note expression for MIDI keyboard when recording. For instance, currently if I use a MIDI keyboard to record a pattern, the sequencer remembers the velocity of each keypress. However, there is no way to turn that off if I don’t want this feature (or a select button so that I could group change velocity for all notes) - is there any way to add more basic ways for controlling/recording the MIDI input?

    Overall, I am a big fan of this app, but I feel like the frustrating sequencer interface really limits its possibilities. I hope the developers could address some of these issues in the next updates.
  • デベロッパの回答 Hi, thanks for the feedback, it helps us improve the app for future releases.
    A chromatic option can be found in the sequencer view by pressing on the grid icon in the top right.
    Also you can select multiple notes by pressing and holding within the sequencer until a square animation pops up, and then dragging across the notes you want to change. You can then move, delete, and vary the length & velocity of multiple notes at once using this technique.
    Please feel free to email us at support@ampifymusic.com if you are having trouble with any of this! Thanks // Oscar
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