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登録アプリ 64,161件 更新日時 2025/02/19 05:41
General DB
価格: 800円
App Store評価: 4.7
(評価数: 3)

カテゴリー:マルチメディア (アプリケーション)
開発者:Portable Databases
動作条件:iPhone(iOS 9.0以降)、iPad(iPadOS 9.0以降)、iPod?touch(iOS 9.0以降)、Mac(macOS?11.0以降とApple?M1以降のチップを搭載したMac)、Apple Vision(visionOS 1.0以降)

■ 概要
General DB is a general-purpose database app that lets you record information quickly and easily.

Try our FREE Private DB app to get a feel for General DB before you buy.

For example, if you have a bottle collection, you could make a table with these fields: Date Acquired, Bottle Type, Bottle Origin, Shape, Notes. Then whenever you add a new bottle to your collection, you can add a row to the table describing it.

If you want to track visits to different vacation sites, you can make a table with fields for the Date Visited, Location, Description, and Attraction. As you visit the sites, you can add corresponding rows to your table.

After you add rows to your tables, they will be:
* Searchable
* Sortable
* Selectable

Many apps are too specific to a subject, but General DB is flexible enough to handle many, many needs, such as:
- Inventories
- Customer info
- Membership lists
- Tracking Logs
- Accounts
- and many more !

No database knowledge is required to use this app, but you will pick some up as you go!

For power users:

General DB allows easy data entry into a full-fledged SQLite database. To do so, it enhances it with field formats.

The field formats supported are Text, Number, Date, Time, Duration, Location, Photo, Barcode, Raw, Picker, and Lookup Table. There are convenient buttons next to some fields for easier input.

For administrators or IT manager, you can create a master database of reference information that you don't want your users to modify. This master database can be published on the internet and either the Private DB app or General DB can download and view it.

Some more powerful features:
- Download files from the web or Dropbox
- Import text files into tables
- Execute SQL files
- Extract .zip or .gz files
- Manage your image files and create thumbnails
- Preview all the lines in a file before importing it
- Custom picker types to select values from a list
- Add your own image files from you computer using iTunes
- SQL Console for executing SQL statements
- Mark SQL statements as favorites
- See and execute past SQL statements in the History
- Built-in web browser to download files from
- Save websites in the Bookmarks
- Easily create a SQL VIEW (subsets of fields from a table)
- JOIN 2 or more tables or views for relational capabilities
- Export selected rows from your tables to a file
- Email your files to others
- Share your database via Email or Dropbox
- Create databases
- And much more!

If you have any questions, or if you need your business database customized for your iPhone or iPad, feel free to contact us on our website.

■ マーケットレビュー
  • PalmOS で JFile を使ってた人は最適? 表題の通りです.
    Private バージョンでは,他のツールで作ったテクストファイルもこれに関連付けされてしまって,テクストファイルをクリックするとPrivate バージョンが立ち上がってしまい困ってましたが,General バージョンでは改善されてて快適です.
  • データがサクサク作れる 操作性にちょっとクセありますが、慣れるとサクサクデータ作れて快適です。
  • cannot use UTF8 code 日本語でimportができないのが残念。
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