Be careful!!! Very very very poor and unkind support. Not even worth 1 star. When you request for the cancellation of recurring subscription, they’ll ask you the reason. Then they’ll reply you with their suggestion without telling you that your cancellation is not carried out. If you do not answer them, they’ll understand that “you wished to continue using NordVPN”, and you’ll keep on paying the bill... Be very very careful!!!
Update(2021/03/04) Thank you very much for your reply. You are the first and ONLY one who apologized for this issue.
After my fourth contact to the support team, they finally issue a refund for my case (just before I received this reply from Apple) and my case is solved. Thank you very much. (Just for your reference , the related tickets’ ID are #6681648, #7738106)
I edited my rating to 2 stars. One is for this issue is solved. Another one is for the support team replied me within 24hrs (at least they replied me)
デベロッパの回答 、 Hello. All of our subscriptions can be cancelled, however, first our team would still like to troubleshoot the issues you faced or atleast know the reason why you have decided to cancel the subscription. Apologies for any inconveniences this might have caused you. Could you update your review with the Ticket ID that you have received after contacting our support team, for us to check on your inquiry? -G.M.
スマホでの動作が不安定。価格も表示より高く請求された。 最初は良く知っているカスペルスキーにしようと思ったが、Amazon Fire TV Stickに対応していないので断念。
NordVPN、パソコンやAmazon Fire TV Stickだと安定するが(ただしDAZNはVPNの接続を切って下さいとメッセージが出て見れなかった、このアプリだけトンネル除外している) iPhoneにて最新OSだが、VPNを一時的に切りたい時に、一時停止(5分とか10分とか)を押してもステータスバーのVPNマークが消えないので、 どっちなのか分かりづらい(これはiPhone側の問題かもしれないが)たぶんVPN解除にはなってる。