メモを取る、To-Do リストを整理する、企業内で共同作業をします。家庭で、または職場で、フォルダを共有してプロジェクトを管理します。すべての機能がオフラインで操作でき、後でインターネットに接続した際に同期することができます。 This field is required. 3768
Annoying bug There is a bug that I notice hasn’t been fixed. Again, I’m an iphone user and just to recap; if I long press the “erase” button, iPhone eventually moves from deleting my sentences letter by letter into deleting word by word. But in Quip, when I do this, instead of deleting words, it jumps somewhere (usually up) and starts deleting words from other paragraphs or basically just moves my entire screen up. This is really annoying. Please do something about it.