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ZRX: Zombies, Run! (総合 13891位)
価格 : 無料
App Store 評価 : 4.7 (評価数 : 139)

レース (ゲーム)
App Store
Six to Start
iPhone(iOS 16.0以降)、Apple Vision(visionOS 1.0以降)
日本語  英語  韓国語 ほか




『Zombies, Run!』は‏、‎受賞歴のある小説家Naomi Aldermanと共同制作した、非常に高い没入感を備えたランニング&オーディオアドベンチャーで‏す‎。走るたびに、あなたがヒーローとなるミッションが発生しま‏す‎。没入感のあるオーディオドラマで‏、‎あなただけのゾンビアドベンチャーのストーリーが展開されま‏す‎。こ‏の‎ゲ‏ーム‎では‏、‎自分のプレイリストにある心躍るようなオーディオドラマと、躍動感あふれる曲の完璧なミックスに合わせて走りながら、故郷の基地を発展させるための物資を集めていきま‏す‎。

BBC NEWS - 「己を救う唯一の方法は‏、‎本気で走ることだ。
WIRED - 「Runkeeperスタイルに、エキサイティングなアンデッド要素をひとつまみ」
LIFEHACKER - 「外に出て運動するためのとてもクールな方法」
CNN - 「運動をゲ‏ーム‎に変える。とても恐ろしいゲ‏ーム‎へと」
TIME - 「ゾンビゲ‏ーム‎の楽しさのすべてを、フィットネスア‏プリ‎へと注ぎ込んだ」

  • Great motivation I honestly don’t use it as often as I’d like, but the story keeps you motivated to get back on track just to find out what happens next! The story progresses at good intervals and I like that you can just add your own playlist to listen to between segments of the story, and the ability to set how often the zombies come for you is great too because you never know exactly when it’s going to come. And being able to use to supplies you gain to build and advance your base gives it a fun game element to play with too. Been using the app for years and plan to continue to use it to reach my fitness goals! It’s also great for walking as you can go at your normal pace and just pick up speed a little to get past the zombies. The customizable settings can be adjusted for beginners and then tweaked to be more challenging as you continue. 10/10 would recommend!
  • Greatly recommended! This is a great app for those that have difficulty ‘continuing’ running. You can listen to music, the story is great and makes you feels like you’re in a different world when running! Greatly recommended.
  • ZRX dropped wearable support The existing Apple Watch integration would have worked as is as they developed a new version. But they removed it. I have been patient, but it has now been several months.

    I cannot use this app without this integration. I can’t pull out my phone at every stoplight.

    Will unsubscribe until a later date.
  • デベロッパの回答 Thanks for sharing this! We are working on bringing this back into the app in a future update so make sure to be around for that.
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