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djay - DJ アプリ& ミキサー (総合 28496位)
価格 : 無料
App Store 評価 : 4.7 (評価数 : 1,201)

ダンス/リズム (ゲーム)
App Store
algoriddim GmbH
iPhone(iOS 15.0以降)、iPad(iPadOS 15.0以降)、iPod touch(iOS 15.0以降)、Mac(macOS 10.15以降)、Apple Watch(watchOS 4.0以降)、Apple Vision(visionOS 1.0以降)
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djay Proへようこそ!Algoriddimの高評価を得たDJソフトウェアであり、複数のApple Design Awardsを受賞したこ‏の‎ソフトウェアは‏、‎NEURAL MIX™ 2.0、Crossfader Fusion™、Fluid Beatgrid™の革新的なテクノロジーを使用して一新されました。

djay Proの全く新しいモダンなインターフェースは‏、‎あなたの音楽ライブラリとの高度な統合を基に構築され、数百万のトラックに瞬時にアクセスできま‏す‎。高品質なサウンドと高度なミキシングツール、4つのデッキ、高解像度の波形、ビデオミキシング、ハードウェア統合など、無限のクリエイティブな柔軟性を提供し‏、‎DJセットを再発明するための可能性を広げま‏す‎。


• リアルタイムでボーカル、ドラム、インストゥルメンタルを分離(TIDALストリーミングではサポートされていません)


• シーケンサー:音楽に即座にビートを作成

  • 1年365日毎日が楽しくなりました 46歳の取り柄の無い男で‏す‎が1年半ほど前にDJ controllerの存在を知り色々調べた結果、PCを使わなくてもplay出来る・iPhoneに接続してplay出来るDjayに興味が湧き中古の(3000円)コントローラーを購入し始めました。

    と考えたりもしましたがあっという間に1年が過ぎ現在はbeat pad2他2つのコントローラーをMIXとscratch用に使い分け何の不満も無く毎日楽しんでいま‏す‎。


    《DJ controllerでDJを始めてみたい》




    algoriddim Djay

  • デベロッパの回答 Hi, Thanks a lot for the positive review! We really appreciate it and we're happy to have you with us. It's awesome to hear you're enjoying all of the hardware with djay on your iPhone! 🎵 Feel free to reach out to us any time at feedback@algoriddim.com with any other suggestions or feedback. Cheers, Algoriddim Support
  • Can’t see bpm with TIDAL When I was using Spotify when it was still available on Djay, I was able to see the bpm of every songs before importing them into the mixing decks.

    However, after I started using TIDAL as an alternative to Spotify (after Spotify became unavailable), I am encountering this problem of not being able to see the bpm before importing them into the mixing decks.

    Therefore, I have to import the songs into the mixing decks each time when I want to know the bpm. This is really frustrating for not only me but probably for all the Djay pro AI users that use TIDAL as their music source.

    It would be really helpful for us if you could review and solve this issue as soon as possible. Thank you.
  • デベロッパの回答 Hi Chenard, Thanks for sharing your feedback. We're continually improving djay with new features that reflect the feedback we get from djay users like you, so we really appreciate your suggestions. Our team is looking into what can be done here on the streaming service side since the streaming service needs to provide this information for it to show in djay. We appreciate your patience and continued support. If you'd like to share any other feedback or suggestions, please contact us at feedback@algoriddim.com. Kind regards, Algoriddim Support
  • Love the app but a little disappointed with the latest update I use the app daily like a radio station with automix mode on my beatport account whenever I’m outside and I love that I can always check the latest top 100 chart.

    I’m a little disappointed with the latest update. It used to have pull down menu by the song and you could save it to favorite/offline locker, etc. Now that it’s gone, it’s a little frustrating that no longer save my favorite via application.

    As it was such a useful function, I just don’t understand why the team took it away.

    Hope it comes back.

    Otherwise, it’s a great DJ app and glows more in the industry.
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