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WeChatはメッセージングア‏プリ‎やソーシャルメディアア‏プリ‎以上のア‏プリ‎で‏、‎世界中の10億を超えるユーザーのライフスタイルとなっていま‏す‎。友達とチャットや通話をしたり、ニュースを読んだり、公式アカウントやミニプログラムで地域のサービスを利用したり、友達と面白いゲ‏ーム‎をプレイしたり、WeChat Payでモバイル決済機能を利用したりなど、様々な方法でお楽しみいただけま‏す‎。

- 豊富なチャット方法:テキスト、写真、音声、動画、位置情報共有などを使用して友達にメッセージを送信することができま‏す‎。グループチャットを作成し‏、‎最大500人のメンバーをグループに含めることができま‏す‎。
- 音声&ビデオ通話:高音質の音声通話およびビデオ通話を世界のどこにでも発信することができま‏す‎。最大9人でのグループビデオ通話も可能で‏す‎。
- リアルタイムの位置情報:道順を説明するのが苦手で‏す‎か?ボタンを1つ押すだけで‏、‎リアルタイムの位置情報を共有することができま‏す‎。
- モーメンツ:お気に入りのモーメンツを共有することができま‏す‎。写真、動画などをモーメンツストリームに投稿することもできま‏す‎。
- タイムカプセル(新機能!): あなたの1日を垣間見てもらうことができま‏す‎。短い動画を撮影して、24時間後に動画が消えてしまう前に「タイムカプセル」に投稿することができま‏す‎。
- ステッカーギャラリー:何千もの面白いアニメート化されたステッカーを閲覧し‏、‎チャットで自分を表現することができま‏す‎。ステッカーにはあなたが大好きなマンガや映画のキャラクターも含まれていま‏す‎。

  • Folks, It’s actually all right. Yes, privacy is an issue. But you shall do nothing bad, do ya?

    Yet, if you sign up for WeChat using a mobile number, say, a UK number, your data will be stored in data centres owned by Tencent INTERNATIONAL located in HONG KONG, SINGAPORE and IRELAND. NOT IN MAINLAND CHINA.

    Also Tencent INTERNATIONAL is registered in AMSTERDAM & HONG KONG, therefore, if you sign up with a European number, your data is fully protected by GDPR! And Tencent is NOT allowed to distribute them to third parties.

    For Japanese users, if you sign up with your Japanese number, your data will be stored in Singapore. So it’s good to use. (Simple English for ya)

    Unless you use some functions, for instance, a mini-program created by a Chinese based company, your data needed for using the mini-program WILL be transferred to mainland China data centres. When you using those mini-program and other functions such as these, WeChat will promote a message to you saying your data will be transferred if needed, and you can disagree (by not using it), or agree (continue to use).

    Furthermore, WeChat (international) and WeXin (Chinese mainland) are actually two different apps.
    They have same interface but very differ from each other in terms of functions and connections.

    And that’s my point of view. Thanks.
  • About that comment saying supervised by authorities I don’t think so. This is not a local-server service so you have to connect to the server. The server is in Singapore and HK when you are not in mainland China. I think you should check your internet first. Chinese authorities doesn’t have a reason to supervise you, since you are not great people and even if so, their skill isn’t something you can notice.
    Just way too stupid
  • Regarding the privacy issues. Yes i have seen some comment mentioning that they will store certain data separately outside mainland china , but, there is no guarantee that if they will done it secretly or not.

    as that guy had also mentioned those mini programs, yes they may need your account ID and maybe profile picture to run, but the trend in the mainland china is GET AS MUCH PERMISSIONS AS THEY CAN, so once u are too asleep to watch the essay of the user agreement, u might be in dangerous

    Also , wechat and weixin IS the same app, so don’t think you’re safe just because you using an international version. you can test it out by getting a crap phone and login your account using a chinese version app. it will work.
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