Strong's Concordance, is a concordance of the King James Bible (KJV) that was constructed under the direction of Dr. James Strong (1822–1894) and first published in 1890.
A concordance lets the reader directly compare how the same word may be used else where in the Bible. In this way the Strong's Concordance provides an independent check against translations, and offers an opportunity for greater, and more technically accurate understanding of the Bible text.
Want to see it in action before you buy? Try Strong's Concordance Lite which provides a 100% functional demo of Matthew and Genesis.
This program does not require internet access, everything you need is all stored on the iDevice.
Features: * Search for English words, and lookup Greek/Hebrew dictionaries. * Proper concordance, listing how the word was translated in other bible verses.
* Full King James Text is included * Click on any blue word for concordance text. * Night mode for those that like to read at night (White on black) * iPad support
Please note: This version is not an "exhaustive" concordance, and does skip smaller words such as "and, or, the, a" as well as some other words. Though we think you'll find it has most (if not all) the words you'll ever need.
We're open to suggestions for improvement in future versions. Send comments and suggestions to strongs at
Easy to use and time efficient Learning the lessons from the previous versions, v2.0 is greatly improved for use, not just for looking up a word one at a time. Just as the author describes, this is not an exhaustive Strongs but still contains what you would need for any normal level of study or discussion.
This has changed the way we now use and reference the Greek and Hebrew giving us fast access to the books and words, and searching capabilities.
Gone are the days where the preachers or scholars could quote what a word means and we couldn't check up on them.