Please follow the international rules Airbnb offers lettings in Nagorno-Karabakh region. This is Azerbaijani territory occupied by Armenia forces. Many of original inhabitants were forcibly removed from their homes. Nagorno-Karabakh region is considered as war zone.
Can Airbnb guarantee the person letting out a place is the lawful owner? What about property rights and safety rules noted on official Airbnb website?
UNSC United Nations adopted a resolutions : 822 (1993), 853 (1993), 874 (1993) and 884(1993) condemning the Armenian aggression against Azerbaijan, demanding the immediate withdrawal of the Armenian armed forces from the occupied lands, and urging respect for Azerbaijan`s sovereignty and territorial integrity and peaceful, fair resolution of the conflict based on the principle of inviolability of borders.
From tourism perpective is violation of international rules and this issue should be considered and resolved by Airbnb.