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Zynga Poker - Texas Holdem (総合 30245位)
価格 : 無料
App Store 評価 : 4.6 (評価数 : 2,728)

カード/パズル (ゲーム)
App Store
Zynga Inc.
iPhone(iOS 13.0以降)、iPad(iPadOS 13.0以降)、iPod touch(iOS 13.0以降)
日本語  英語  中国語  韓国語 ほか


テーブル、トーナメント、ジャックポットが追加され、かつてないほど多くのプレイヤーが挑戦している世界で一番人気のあるオンラインポーカーゲ‏ーム‎の一つに参加しましょう。気軽にプレイできるテキサスホールデムポーカーが好きでも、競争好きなトーナメントが好きでも、Zynga Pokerは本物のゲ‏ーム‎プレイを自宅で楽しめま‏す‎。


高額なステークス、より大きなペイアウト – より高いバイインは‏、‎トーナメントをプレイするたびに仮想チップをより多く獲得できるということで‏す‎。

より速いトーナメント – 従来の9人用のテーブルまたはより速いプレイの新しい5人用のテーブルで競争しましょう。

VIPプログラム – VIPプログラムでより高いレベルに到達して、ゲ‏ーム‎内の特典や機能を手に入れましょう!特別なチップパックのオファーや特別なポーカーゲ‏ーム‎モードを楽しみましょう。

フリーチップ – 新しいお気に入りのポーカーゲ‏ーム‎をダウンロードして、ウェルカムボーナスで2,000,000フリーチップを獲得しましょう!それに加え、デイリーボーナスとしてゲ‏ーム‎内通貨を最大$45,000,000まで獲得することができま‏す‎!

  • zynga poker i’m like playing this online poker games that’s why i’m always purchasing a lot but sometimes theirs many people using many account to get what want. their not professional in game they are cheating using their many account but the players is only one person... can you pls fix that cheating people... i don’t want to spend money if everyday they are cheating.. thank you
  • Not worth your time It’s a free app that has many flaws leaning towards the player who has the lowest pot. The only players who have big accounts are paid accounts but there is no point to that because you don’t even get a more powerful account like in an RPG or FPS game. Add to that, if you stop paying into the game, you will definitely lose your fortune but will already be deep enough into the game to have formed the habit which will cause you to waste more end more money, there is only one way to make money in such a game and that’s to ensure everyone loses and it will be in the most ridiculous way on a hand that’s almost without a doubt, and this happens too often, a sure shot winner only to be destroyed by another player who has the inverted hand to that with the higher down pair. This isn’t a freak incident. This happens a lot and is statistically impossible.

    Couple all of the above with the auto replies they have added to the game which could be ok but are mostly used to troll people which will almost always cause you grief and upset, and you have a game that’s a no win ultimately no fun sure to cause you to say something in retribution control freaks rules game that is not worth it. Go to a real money table. Your not going to have to listen to people who troll you or act arrogant just to bait you into something and when you do lash out have a bunch of puppet masters at the other end making the decisions about your fate in the game. Go somewhere where people respect each other and there is a realistic feel in game play. Waste your time and money on a game that could actually pay you out large.

    This app is just not an app for a serious player to enjoy and you pretty much have to a a dotard to ignore the possible trolling you will experience.

    I’m so happy i never dropped even a dollar into this lousy app.

    .!. Zynga .!.
  • Comments Some of the comments players make can be very annoying. You should make it easier and quicker to deliver quick and sarcastic replies to them. Takes to long to type and interferes while playing the game.
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