Legendary Finger Cut scares younger brothers since 2009. Think about it: many of them are adult now. I hope their fingers grew back. If you don’t know Finger Cut yet: it’s a simple toy. It shows a circular saw, which you can touch and it will show blood coming out of your finger in AR. Blood can be seen on some surfaces around you if you point a saw towards them. Sprinkle virtual blood everywhere and scare your friends and family!
5 stars… Why 5 stars? Its simple and just do its job, also i played this for the first time back in 2014 and i was 10 years old in that time, here with 20, as someone who is learning more and more about making games, i can say i wish i could do at least what this game did in 2014 and it was the switch that made me think “can i make games too?”