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Pinball Fantasies (総合 21267位)
価格 : 480円
App Store 評価 : 5.0 (評価数 : 1)

アクション (ゲーム)
App Store
Cowboy Rodeo
iPhone(iOS 9.2以降)、iPod touch(iOS 9.2以降)、Mac(macOS 11.0以降とApple M1以降のチップを搭載したMac)


** To celebrate the launch of both the iPhone/iPad and OS X version of Pinball Dreams HD, price dropped to 2.99$! Get either or both now ;)


Online highscores now in! Turn them on from the settings and they will automatically be updated/uploaded. To see all highscores, visit www.cowboyrodeo.net/pinballdreaming/ for the list!

Pinball Dreaming: Pinball Fantasies is the official iPhone version of the classic Amiga pinball arcade simulator originally released in 1992 and is the successor to the wildly popular Pinball Dreams!

The popular opinion is that Pinball Fantasies is the best pinball game for the iPhone - some even say it's the best simulated pinball ever created.

  • Pinball Fantasies Supreme!! Fantastic. The boys over at Cowboy Rodeo know their convertion translation of oldschool Amiga/PC games, and yet again, with their predecessor, Pinball Dreams, keeps the charm of the tables as I remember them.

    All tables from the original looks great with the enhanced graphics or old school color scheme.

    Now Im looking forward to see Digital Illusions, Pinball Illusions, on the iPhone.

    I also hope they get in touch with the development team of the hit pinball game "SLAM TILT".

    I see a great bright future of pinball games in the palm of my hand.

    I also feel it would be cool to see if they can make another 2D rendition of the Classic real arcade table like "Terminator 2" and "Demolition Man" originall made by Williams. If they can get the permission and all original artwork and specs of the table, the dotmatrix display, man, that would be cool! Even thought those tables use Midi / Samples, I wouldn't mind doing the music remix or something new for that table!

    Thank you Cowboy Rodeo! This brings back the old days.

    Ps. I do like Fantasies thanks to the Extra Ball Roulette. Too bad that was cancelled in Illusions. Ds.
  • 懐かしい Windows3.1時代にDosのコマンドで遊んだゲ‏ーム‎の復刻版。色あせないで‏す‎。
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