The Migii App is the best way to Study for JLPT This “JLPT test N1-N5 - Migii App” is the best way to study for the JLPT test! And the Premium App has so many extra things to study with practice sessions, review sessions, detailed explanations and many many sample tests. It is worth the price! There are so many sample tests, it would be hard to try them all. I use it every day! And I am very happy with it!
Also, for someone who knows some Japanese but wants to improve their knowledge, it is very useful as well. If you are busy with work or child care, you can still study and improve your weaker areas with this app. You can study and learn from your mistakes. And re-test your knowledge.
デベロッパの回答 、 Thanks for your review! Please recommend our app to your friends if you think Migii helps you prepare for the exam, and don’t hesitate to email us at if you have any questions.
Bugged!? I have bought premium (2years in a row) and the bug has me baffled. At first I thought a quick restart would do it, but it didn’t, then I thought that maybe a quick reinstall would do the trick and again to my surprise it didn’t. And the bug I am talking about is that even though I have premium all the contents in the app keep giving me same pop up “You need to upgrade to premium to use this feature” Now I don’t know if you have tiers on premium or not because I couldn’t find anything. I genuinely thought that this would be a great app for reviewing and testing my vocabulary, grammar and kanji. I used the free tier features and liked the content of it. So when I go to purchase my premium and use the additional features, which I have to pay for, seemingly are non existent because because they demand me to upgrade premium! Now I don’t know how to do! Would not recommend anyone to “upgrade premium” or whatever that means but yeah don’t buy the premium it’s basically just a scam. You don’t get anything and it would feel as if you are paying for the free content.
デベロッパの回答 、 Thank you for your review! Please email us at so we can discuss the issue you are having in more detail. And update your rating when your issue is solved.