Photomator は、Mac、iPhone、iPad 向けにゼロから構築されています。Metal、Core ML、Core Image などの強力な Apple テクノロジーを使用して、大きな RAW 写真を編集したり、一度に複数の画像をバッチ編集したりする場合でも、驚くほど高速なパフォーマンスを実現します
Best app to edit photos for the proce I think the app has magnificent features and the price of it is very affordable. However, there is one thing that bothers. It is that name of the app is displayed as “Photo”. Maybe it’s just me, but since the iPhone stock app for photos is named “Photos” I sometimes struggle to discern one from another. It would be awesome if you rename it simply to “Pixelmator Photo”!
PENTAXのPEFファイルが開けません。 せっかく購入したのに編集出来ず、宝の持ち腐れ状態です。 Can’t open PENTAX `s raw files(PEF).
Still can’t beat Lightroom, but is very close to do it Further improvements for photo organization (rating, seamless sync between mac and ios), and camera support (Leica q frame lines, auto correction for distorsion) would be awesome.
デベロッパの回答 、 We understand that brushes implementation really took us a while, and we apologize for the delay. Generally, implementing new features can take time as we need to test them extensively to ensure they work correctly. The AI-powered selections we've introduced in the latest Photomator update also were quite a challenge. We appreciate your patience. Regarding the pricing changes, although it wasn't an easy decision for us, it was necessary to allow us not only cover the development costs but also invest in innovation.
As for RAW file support, it depends on iOS compatibility. Once a camera model, is supported by iOS, you'll be able to work with its RAF files in Photomator right away. We hope this helps, and thank you for your understanding.