This is the Pro version of the RC-Timer application. It has the same functionality as the Lite version but includes: - the recorded flights are now stored in a local database for later retrieval - it is now possible to automatically start the worktime wnen starting the first flight - the app includes a 'Talking Timer' wich indicates by voice how many minutes/seconds until the end of the work time - It supports F3J, F3B, F3K and F5J glider disciplines.
Short manual:
Press a volume button to start or stop a flight. Tap 'Start' to start the countdown timer for the Worktime. Tap the (+) button to add a new competition round in the selected discipline.
Where is ver2.6? task Hのバグを修正したバージョン2.6は何処にありますか?作者HPには、2015年8月に作られたとアナウンスされている。