Request Please! • I would like to be customize my favorite locations.
• little bugs in Widget, I’m using English and Japanese, but, almost characters are just “…” Maybe, should be use picture or little bit more small font.
• I’d like to see “Scale” in more Widgets, it’s not enough, Scale in only biggest one.
Thank you, read my request. Please, check bugs, and requests!
complication Apple Watchのcomplicationが気に入って使ってます。フィードバックへの対応も早く、無料で最高です。
please confirm. The sunrise and sunset times for Nemuro City, Hokkaido are incorrect. There is a difference of 1 hour.
デベロッパの回答 、 Sorry for the late reply. Thanks for reporting this. The app has been updated many times since you wrote this review. If the issue persists, could you please send me a message using the feedback button in the app? I get some debug information that way which would help me fix this.