A simple app that shows all the photos on your Mac and your iCloud Photo Library that were taken on this day throughout the years.
*** MacStories.net: Once you’ve put all your photos together you deserve an app to easily relive all your memories and discover old pictures again. Photo Flashback does exactly this.
AppAdvice: It’s a simple but smart app, and one users will enjoy. Now, however, Photo Flashback is even better. ***
Be surprised every day! You can also look up any day of the year, perfect for special occasion days like birthdays and anniversaries!
- Enable notifications for when you have Flashback photos - Favorite or delete a photo from within the app - Include or exclude this years photos - Share a photo using the build-in system share sheet or drag and drop to other apps - Your privacy is important, especially regarding your photos. All of the functionality of the app is done locally on your device, even notifications. When downloading a photo from iCloud, the app asks macOS to do it. Sharing is done only when you choose to do it.