MeMeteo is your weather forecast expert and everyday assistant.
*** MOST ACCURATE FORECAST *** Accurate right to your house.Anywhere in the world. Wherever you are, you will always know what's happening outside the window.
*** PRECIPITATION MAP *** Bad weather won't take you by surprise anymore. The map in the application allows you to monitor the movement of precipitation in real time.
*** DETAILED INFORMATION *** A detailed forecast for every city with data such as temperature, pressure, wind direction, etc., and a 7-day forecast for the whole week.
*** FORECAST OF GEOMAGNETIC STORMS *** Check the impact of the storm 3 days ahead
*** ULTRAVIOLET INDEX *** UV index will help you protect yourself from UV radiation
Also: - Sunset and Sunrise time - Air humidity - Temperature in Celsius and Fahrenheit - Wind speed in m/s, mph and kph - Thematic backgrounds - 30 days weather forecast - Atmospheric pressure