Box Breathing is a technique that is used to calm down by a simple 4 second repetition of breathing in, holding, breathing out and holding it again. It is often known as the NAVY SEAL breathing technique because they are taught to use this to get focused. This Breathing Box helps you to have a visual mediation to refocus yourself with breathing. The native iOS, iPadOS and watchOS app integrates seamlessly into your daily habits. It also supports the HealthKit and SharePlay integration.
The watchOS app can be installed without the iPhone app.
腕時計での実用は難しい Apple Watchでの、音声と視界に頼らずできるのではとバイブレーション機能に期待してダウンロードしたが、吸気→停止→呼気→停止の間のどこかしらApple Watchの画面が閉じ、アプリが終わってしまいループができず使用が出来ない。 画面が暗くなり、腕を下ろした状態等でも続行されるようにならないものだろうか。