このアプリは書籍版『ひとりで学ぶ ビジネス英語 English for Everyone』と一緒に使うように作られています。詳細はwww.dkefe.comで確認してください。またコンテンツのダウンロードにはインターネット接続が必要です。
What’s happened?? I'm a Japanese person who bought this textbook in the US, but the answers are wrong from the start. The app works fine, but sometimes it says things that are different from what's written on the page.
音声の再生ができない 音量マックスで再生ボタンを押しても音が出ず。改善して欲しいです。
No sound! I’ve down loaded this on my phone and iPad but on both devices there’s no sound. I checked my volume but it was up to all. I couldn’t find any audio settings in the app. Also my session expired very quickly and each time I have to log back in with email and password. The email and password is not saved to keychain.