THE lunar calendar - your perfect companion for every day!
The calendar calculates data from January 1800 to December 2027.
You are looking for a lunar calendar app
- with minute-accurate calculation of all moon phases, zodiac changes and void of course? - with biorhythm, moon yoga, retrograde Mercury and complete monthly overview? - with rising and setting of sun and moon? - with great design?
Don't look any further!
MoonWorx is your perfect companion. You will receive all above mentioned functions and many more information about the current day quality. Read daily tips for more than 90 activities categorized into 7 categories (household, garden, nutrition, body care, hair care, health, DIY), which you can also plan wonderfully with the monthly view.
MoonWorx is one of the few lunar calendars, which can calculate the zodiac change in tropical or sidereal mode or by Maria Thun. She is mainly known in Germany for gardening with the moon.
The biorhythm calculates your personal high and low phases for body, mind and soul, as well as for the secondary biorhythms aesthetics, intuition, awareness and spirituality. In addition to the well-known symmetrical sinusoidal curves, the biorhythm can also be calculated asymmetrically according to Paungger and Poppe.
In a small guide you will also receive additional information about the moon, biorhythm, moon phases, void of course, zodiac signs, elements, as well as functional instructions for the app.
» Multilingual: German and English
Sehr gut!! 月の満ち欠けに合わせた生活習慣をしようとこのアプリを使い始めました。満月・新月の正確な時間もわかり、今、月が何座にあるかもわかるので便利です。また、ルナロジー創始者のkeikoさんの本に書いてあった、その日に合わせたボディのクリアリングのパーツや、その日に行うといい運動やヨガのポーズも載っているのがありがたいです(設定言語をドイツ語にしたら、ヨガのポーズの解説もリンクされてます!←が、英語で記載されてるポーズと違うような…)。 ★4つの理由は単に私が毎朝(or 毎晩)バタバタしていて、MoonWorx を開く余裕がなく、毎日が過ぎていって上手く使いこなせてない点です。あとはアプリが英語かドイツ語なので、何となくしか解説がわからない点…(。ŏ_ŏ。) でも、バージョンアップして、前よりも見やすくなったので、これからもお世話になります٩( ‘ω’ )و