【ご利用の流れ】 ① 「ゆうちょ銀行 お客さま情報ご申告サイト(https://kyc.jp-bank.japanpost.jp)」 で在留カード情報等を入力します。 ② ①のサイトから「ゆうちょ在留カード読取アプリ」を起動します。 ③ アプリ画面に遷移後、表示言語を選択します。(言語設定は後から変更可能です。) ④ 利用規約等を確認します。 ⑤ 在留カード番号を入力します。
What’s wrong with this app It keeps showing me that my birthday doesn’t match the one on my residence card, and I have checked and scanned for so many times, I swear it correct. Fix your website and app please before you tell your customers to do something, stop wasting our time. You could’ve just tell me go to the bank. I don’t understand you have such a reputation and wouldn’t just spend some money on your web service, I’m having trouble with almost every one of your apps.
Violation of human rights Pathetic app needless to say, does not register the images despite being valid. Waits until the end of info input to ask for images, then when you swap to camera to take them it locks you out.
As for “money laundering and terrorism prevention” this is a myth. Freezing the bank accounts of foreign residents without warning is not only inconvenient but potentially life threatening. Not even in communist China does this happen lightly