Wowoo Portal is an easy-to-use application that support Wowbit (WWB), Bitcoin (BTC), Ethereum (ETH) and ERC-20 token transaction. Wowoo Portal upport wallet features for you to add and remove OT/SAC token. Also, with just one click away you can send your crypto coin and token to anyone. It also provide a P2P trading to buy and sell WWB, BTC, Stablecoin, and OT/SAC token at certain price range according to live market price and thus, as buyer you can compare various prices from various sellers
使用できない 最新のiOSでも使えません。起動すると「We have detected some faulty in your OS device that might not be compatible to use our Wowoo Portal」というエラーが出たあと落ちます。Wowooサポートデスクは2020年7月6日を最後に音信不通です。今日で音信不通になって半年となりますのでこちらに書きこませて頂きました。