FSNotes is modern notes manager for macOS and iOS. This app respects open formats like GitHub Flavored Markdown, so you can easily write documents on iPhone and MacBook.
Swift powerful with tons of features for professionals:
- iCloud Drive with subfolders and 3d party apps - TextBundles and EncryptedTextBundles containers - Pin/unpin (macOS companion sync) - Edit markdown and preview - Blazing fast search - Sharing extension - Dynamic fonts
- Dark mode - Sidebar with folders and tags - Inline images - Inline tags - Notes encryption (AES-256) - Mermaid and MathJax - Deep git integration - Web pages creation - Folders encryption
デベロッパの回答 、 Thanks for the feedback. The problem with tags in the code has been resolved and will be available in the next update. As for the tags and links completion, more detailed information is needed, please write to my mail. I will gladly fix it if there are details.