中世の時代を間近で体験しましょう。略奪した剣や鎧はすべて実世界の例に基づいています。トップのストラテジーゲームが提供する体験と比較可能な「Dawn of Ages」は、興奮する中世の戦いと都市管理を提供します。数回のタップで素早く戦闘に移り、簡単なインターフェースで複雑な戦略に参加しましょう。Dawn of Agesは大規模な戦闘を指先で楽しめます!
デベロッパの回答 、 If you are having any problems with ads, please write to us at support@boombit.com and describe your problem as accurately as possible providing your Player ID from your in-game Profile and the model of the device you are using. We’ll do what we can to help!
デベロッパの回答 、 It looks like something isn’t meeting your expectations; unfortunately from what you’ve written, I’m not sure what exactly happened. If you had any issues with the in-game transaction or if you have any questions about the game, please contact us at support@boombit.com - we'll do what we can to help.