【techjo】「にょろにょろ注意!ワームっぽいエイリアンを解くシュールなアクションパズル」 TouchArcade - 4/5 "...is a fun idea that manifests itself into a solid, well-made game. It's certainly a unique experience to behold..." AppleNApps - 4/5 "Great 3D puzzle challenge | High quality physics engine" GameRamble - 9/10 "The 3D visuals and lifelike animations give the game a unique feel" Pocket Gamer UK - "Lovely puzzler Knotmania lets you play with alien tentacles" Indie Game Enthusiast - “It adds an engaging vibe akin to an unearthly nature documentary” Indie Prize Selection - Casual Connect Amsterdam 2016 IndieGame Expo 2016 Selection - Nominee Best of Quo Vadis 2016 Show