Tam と Tao と共に Numberland への冒険に送り出してあげましょう! それぞれの数字が美しい風景の中に置かれ、お子様は数をかぞえながら山や木々、鳥、そして星とも触れ合うことができます。Numberland では数多くの驚きが幼い学習者を待っています。またお子様が「10」まで数えることが出来る場合でも、このアプリでは数字を新たな言語で学べる楽しいアクティビティやゲームが満載です。
The Best Our daughter plays many, many apps with me. We often focus on apps that teach value and numbers. Numberland is one of the best apps for enthusiastic and rather satisfactory exploration of numbers and value. The way value is illustrated and learned experientially is superb. This is the app that got her writing numbers and really beginning to grasp value. It's a lot of fun too.