9 cubes, 54 images, over 10 million combinations and infinite stories. Shake to roll the cubes. Create a story using all 9 face-up images.
Keep all your Rory’s Story Cubes® in one place with the app. The ultimate, mobile storytelling game loved by children, parents and grandparents on the go, creative writers, progressive teachers and games masters.
Included in the app are Rory’s Story Cubes®: Originals and the newly released Rory’s Story Cubes® Mix: Clues, change your story by mixing the cubes. Now you can “Craft tales of Cracking Crime.” Additional sets are now available as in-app purchases.
***************** FEATURES • Realistic physics - shake to roll the cubes. Move and rotate them as you tell your story. Improved user experience is achieved.
• Your cubes - add to your Rory’s Story Cubes collection. The app now comes with both the Original and Rory Story Cubes® Mix: Clues sets. Other sets available as in-app purchases
• New combinations - generate a random combination of 9 cubes from selected sets.
***************** WAYS TO PLAY • Have fun with family and friends on the go. • Play solitaire to stretch your imagination • A creative way to practise a second language. Engage children in storytelling to improve their creative skills. Never fear the blank page; roll Rory’s Story Cubes® to overcome writer’s block. • Generate colourful characters for your role playing game.
See more ways to play at www.storycubes.com.
アップデートに期待しています ver 2.4.1での評価です。
言語は英語のみとなっていますが、日本語を含む16言語から選択可能です。 好みでvoyages(冒険), actions(アクション)の9個セットや、Enchanted(魔法), Prehistoria(古代)などの3個MIXシリーズが購入できます。 最初に使うことのできるキューブは、original(オリジナル)とMIXの中のclues(推理)を加えた合計12個。 ちなみに実物のRory's Store Cubesは版権モノを除くと、これまでに81個が発売されています。現バージョンでは63個分のキューブを収録。 ゆっくりとアップデートされているので残りについても今後に期待ができます。