Goodnotes6課金版と比べて… As mentioned in several other comments, there are points where it excels over GoodNotes and areas where it falls short.■Customization of the official pen case: You can have two pens with different thicknesses. ■Inferior Points: - No keyboard shortcuts support: In GoodNotes, you can assign p, e, r, l to a one-handed keyboard, allowing you to select p for pen, e for eraser, r for ruler, and l for undo. ■Different Points: - Gestures: - Single tap with two fingers: Undo - Single tap with three fingers: Redo ■■■他のいくつかのコメントでも言及されているように、goodnotesより優れている点もあるし、それに及ばない点もある。 優秀な点 純正のペンケースをカスタマイズできるところ→太さの異なるペン2本もできる 劣っている点 キーボードショートカット未対応:goodnotesでは片手用キーボードにp,e,r,lを割り振るとそれぞれp;ペン、e;消しゴム、r;定規、l;取り消すを選択することができます。 異なる点 ジェスチャー: 二本指でシングルタップ;取り消す(undo) 三本指でシングルタップ;やり直す(redo)
If anything, I would like to see the introduction of memorization tapes without patterns and only in colors. I would also like the accuracy of handwriting search to be improved. I can create a file within a file, but it is only written in the column next to the file, so I can't see it at a glance. Sorry for my selfishness.