Minor differences between the app version and the web version While there is not a day that goes by that I don't use Perplexity.AI, I am concerned about the differences in minor features from the web version. For example, the possibility of privacy settings for individual postings. However, that is only a flaw and I am fully satisfied.
Incorrect info shown and conversion to English Comments based on the search result of
- a name of a person in Hong Kong while selected language is in English.
The conversion of this person’s name to English is incorrect. The conversion of company of this person to English is incorrect.
Part of info displayed on this person was incorrect - e.g. school name.
Follow-up question on this person was shown im simplified Chinese while this person is born in a city that uses traditional Chinese.
Simplified Chinese is “official” in mainland China but not common in other parts of world that uses Chinese. Perhaps the developers are not aware of this. In fact, wrong conversion of name could happen if the AI uses simplified Chinese as the only source of conversion.