Cảm ơn về bài chia sẻ Hôm nay ,ngày 31/12/2022 thật là tuyệt vời khi được sp phương hoa chia sẻ kỹ năng ,thao tác power point. Trong buổi chia sẻ khoảng 3giờ đồng hồ ,mình đã tiếp thu đc lượng kiến thức không nhỏ,dưới sự hướng dẫn rất nhiệt tình và tâm huyết của sp.Mình không biết nói gì hơn ngoài sự cám ơn sâu sắc và chúc sp luôn mạnh khỏe ,hạnh phúc ,chia sẻ đc nhiều kiến thức đến với mọi người cám ơn sp.
Honestly how is this app relevant The video is always slower than the audio, breaking up or can not load. The audio sometimes is even inaudible and breaking up, and I sometimes just can’t hear what the other said and the other can’t hear me. And eternity would pass to wait for my presentation and the chat to load. Not to mention that I always jump out of the meeting at least a dozen times in a 2 hour meeting.Although I am a fan of Google but I can’t help rating this 1 star.
FULL SCREEN PLEASE Please give back the full screen option for sharing screen and also for normal cam. I use this app for online lesson and mostly on my phone only.It annoys me so much that I cannot see the full screen of what my teacher was writing on the blackboard . The unchangeable square small screen is so annoying.I thought there was the option in the previous version. So give it back please. It will be great to have this option in next update version.